The Sports Thread

The Brewers are looking pretty good. Better than the Cubs.

the brewers always start out hot and then slowly fade away

that team is nowhere near the level of the cubs in terms of talent IMO. Their best player (fielder) is not even close to Derek lee. Their staff is not as good, their pen may be better but that's about it. Brew crew will fade away as always.
meh, fuck that.

I guess I'm just pissed because it's the Yankees, but we all know he's probably going to do somewhat good. Age doesn't seem to be a factor for Clemens.

I don't think anyone is seriously expecting him to be dominant, but if he can consistently throw five or six solid innings in each start, he will be a huge boost. He's not expected to be the ace, so there won't be too much pressure on him to carry the team and pitch like he did in his prime.
Yankees have the most terrible pitching staff ever. A bunch of has-been old fucks and no talent farm system faggots.


Show's what you know. Chien-Ming Wang nearly through a perfect game yesterday and last year he won 19 games and finished second in the Cy Young award voting. His sinker is considered by the rest of the league (as, the players themselves) to be one of best in the game (

Pettite and Mussina are hardly "has beens", Clemens has shown that he is still, at 45, among the best pitchers in the game. And Phil Hughes through six innings of a no-hitter the other day and is rated as the number one pitching prospect in the minors- not just the Yankee system, the minor leagues as a whole.

cookiecutter said:
Daisuke > Clemens

Again, :lol:. You'd have to be stupid, insane or high to actually think that. He's arguably the greatest pitcher ever, and if not that, then without a doubt one of the best ever.

You seem pretty smart, though, so I assume you're kidding.
I'm going to Mets game on Sunday.

I hope it's not a date. I didn't get date vibes from this. Oh well.
I don't think anyone is seriously expecting him to be dominant, but if he can consistently throw five or six solid innings in each start, he will be a huge boost. He's not expected to be the ace, so there won't be too much pressure on him to carry the team and pitch like he did in his prime.

He'll still have an ERA under 5. He's making a fuckload of money, too.
Let me clarify. Daisuke will be better this year, but Clemens is most definitely better career wise.

That's a pretty fair statement, then. Obviously Clemens is not what he used to be, nor is he expected to be. However, Matsuzaka hasn't really lived up to the hype, and recent history tells us that a Japanese pitcher will start to really get shelled once the league has seen enough of him. Of course, Matsuzaka's strength is in his repetoir, which could translate better to the majors. He could get eaten alive in the second half or he could really establish himself as a true major league pitcher and have a solid career in the states; either way I wouldn't be surprised.

He'll still have an ERA under 5. He's making a fuckload of money, too.

Oh yeah. I was pretty dissapointed when I heard about the huge paycheck. I was really hoping that the Yankees would somehow get past this habit throwing huge fucking contracts around like nothing, but I guess if that's what it took to sign him, I'm ok with it. I mean, I spend quite a bit of money as a Yankee fan (going to games, getting the out-of-market TV service, merch...) and I'm glad they putting all that money they make into trying to give us a winning team. However, the special treatment that Clemens is getting is horseshit. I thought the Yankees were better than that, but I guess not.