The Star Wars Thread

The new antagonist is Kylo Ren, not Luke.

edit: Technically it could have been Luke if he had just been using that as his Sith Lord name, but this character is being played by a completely different actor. I also don't know who Luke is talking to in this trailer. The assumption is that it's Ridley, who is one of two twins, while Kylo Ren is the other. Funny though how Han and Leia having twins was always part of the EU, which they said they were not going to use as canon, yet there's at least something very releated going on with this film.
this is a bit old now, just a take off of the first teaser. from the same dudes behind the Conan, Predator, Commando, Rambo, Rocky, etc Musicals.

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Now that the Vanity Fair pics have shown us Adam Driver as Kylo Ren has a completely normal face without the helmet on, my cyborg Luke theory is becoming more and more likely!
Technically Luke was a cyborg since the end of Empire. ;)

And since you brought up Vanity Fair, here's a nice interview with J.J.

I really try to never be affected by hype with most things, because usually that just results in being let down. Sometimes in a fairly large way. I can't help myself with this however. I was one of those kids that saw Star Wars at the drive in when it was still new, and had Star Wars blankets, sheets, curtains and even a Star Wars birthday party when I was five. Some stuff you just can't shake. George Lucas really tried to get me to dislike the Star Wars universe with the prequels, but I just ignore them completely. Plus, he's the reason the first three movies even exist, so I can't really hate the man for his transgressions (although he did fuck up the original movies too with every re-release).

Can't fucking wait for this movie. I'm also not really in to the majority of first person or third person shooters (barring Mass Effect), but I'll probably be getting Star Wars: Battlefront too when it's released in December. Since 1313 is dead. :(

I never really thought about it until this trailer, but Kylo Ren reminds me an awful lot of Darth Revan. Also, even if somehow this doesn't end up being better than Return of the Jedi, I think it's pretty safe to say by what we've seen so far that it's definitely going to be better than any of the prequels.
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Like some kind of crazed fanatics, or idiots (is there a difference?), one of my best friends and I are going to go see the midnight showing on the 17th. They are showing it on four screens at the theater here, but two of them are 3D, so screw that. It's not even the cost either, it's the fact that the color fidelity of almost every single 3D movie takes a hit compared to the non 3D "standard" digital screens. Plus, you forget about the effect after 30 minutes anyway and are just left with a worse color reproduction and a muted image.

Already purchased the tickets, and we plan on getting there two hours early just so we don't get some garbage, complete side of the room or floor row seats.
Have any of you heard of Harmy's "Despecialized" versions of the original trilogy? I just found out about them last night, and just finished watching Star Wars. Holy shit did they do an amazing job. The gist of it is that they took the original DVD and laserdisc theatrical cut, combined it with the blu-ray audio, upscaled it to 720p (IMO it's actually indsitinguishable from the 1080p blu-ray version that doesn't even look 1080p in the first place compared to modern standards) and color corrected it to match the way the stock footage--that was supposedly lost due to deterioration--looked in the theaters. They did way more work though than a simple piecemeal. It looks and sounds fucking fantastic, and is 100% faithful to the original. Same thing was done with The Empire Strikes Back (have yet to watch) and Return of the Jedi was completed up to the 1.0 version, but they are currently working on the 2.0 version, which is where most of the image enhancing comes into play.

Oh, and in terms of color, if you've watched the blu-ray versions one thing should be abundantly clear; they are way the fuck off. Skin tones are completely unnatural and there are lots of crushed blacks. Han looks like he has some cheap, orange spray tan on the blu-ray versions, but not so with the original version.

Depending on your age, if you saw the original trilogy before 1997, you probably thought some of the changes were stupid. Personally, my biggest gripe with Star Wars special ed was the "Who shot first?" scene that Lucas decided to retcon, thus hurting the impact of Han's character growth (plus it looked stupid), the CGI Jabba, the CGI stormtroopers, the CGI dewbacks and most of the Mos Eisley additions. However, I think the explosions of Alderaan and the Death Star were a huge improvement, as well as the ship movement during the battle of Yavin. Now if only someone would combine the best of both...

If you want to check these out, just search on your favorite torrent sites for "Harmy Despecialized Star Wars" as well as for The Empire Strikes Back. The file sizes are 17gb and 19gb. Return of the Jedi should be finished within the next six months or so.

Article about this and exactly what was done:
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Got tickets to the midnight show Wednesday. IMAX Sunday night. Excited doesn't even begin to describe it. Watching the first three getting ready. Watched The Empire Strikes Back last night while David Gilmour was playing every Pink Floyd song you ever would want to hear at the soccer stadium across the street. Kind of a surreal evening in Sao Paulo.
I just finished watching both the original trilogy and the LoTR trilogy recently and noticed something "interesting" and maybe a little ironic as well. In Star Wars, during the scene where Luke and Leia are trapped in the area with the retracted bridge that they end up swinging across, one of the stormtroopers that falls does the Wilhelm scream. Okay, not a big deal I guess, and I read that they did it as kind of an intentional inside joke. It happened again in The Empire Strikes Back when Han is about to get frozen, and it happened yet again, not once, but at least four times in Return of the Jedi. I also counted it once in The Two Towers and twice in Return of the King.

Apparently Lucas loved it so much that he put it in literally every movie that he was associated with after Star Wars.
It's not like this would change anyone's mind either way, but oh snap!

A triumphant return to form for the franchise - the best of the films since The Empire Strikes Back...It's also a rousing introduction to new characters who will likely carry this world forward through two more planned episodes and assorted spinoffs. (97%)

I feel like a little kid on Christmas Eve again, haha.
Ahhhhh just 10 more hours!! I'm gonna lose my mind! One of my besty females just gave me a review and said yes indeed it is the best since Empire and that she cried several times and I should bring tissues