The Swine Squeeeeeeeeeel of Approval!

your one lucky guy fella!
how about the rest of you married boys-what do your ladies listen to.mine thinks i'm a pussy cause she's really into industrial metal-fear factory and harder you know!i can only take so much white noise before i have to stick on something more melodic like slayer.
Why all metal women only exist in cyberspace? I need a real one by my side :waah:
I find it funny to see you guys tripping all over yourselves over these women!
Specially that jonnyd guy! Acts like he has never spoken to female before.
jonny2k said:
I find it funny to see you guys tripping all over yourselves over these women!
Specially that jonnyd guy! Acts like he has never spoken to female before.
whoa, dude! it's just good fun! And jonny has probably gotten more pussy than you.
Please, have you seen that guy? He couldn't get laid in a kennel!
He's got the class of an alley cat! Is that what you meant by pussy?!
jonny2k said:
Please, have you seen that guy? He couldn't get laid in a kennel!
He's got the class of an alley cat! Is that what you meant by pussy?!

Watch it pal


JonnyD is a major contributor to this board and these ladies he is speaking about know he is just funning with them.

jonny2k said:
Please, have you seen that guy? He couldn't get laid in a kennel!
He's got the class of an alley cat! Is that what you meant by pussy?!
That attitude will get you banned faster than C.
jonny2k said:
I find it funny to see you guys tripping all over yourselves over these women!
Specially that jonnyd guy! Acts like he has never spoken to female before.
Sounds like your problem isn't JD but instead the simple fact that you are the one with the sexual issues. Maybe you should stop fucking with people that are enjoying a friendly conversation, and address your own discomforts.
Damn! Looks like Jonny2k is making some new friends. :grin: That's a good way to start out on a message board newbie.... giving shit to a regular.... good job!