The T.V. thread...

Good reason not to watch the best show on TV, bro.

I'm jay kaaaay obviously. The real reason is I don't have a TV, but I'll buy it at the Bazaar once I get back to Iraq (this wed.). The other real reason is I usually watch Sci. Fi. stuff so that takes up a lot of time, haha. I finished all of Bab. 5, Farscape, and TNG last time around.
The Killing II Danish version is a totally new crime. Done and solved in 10 episodes. That's the one I am watching.

Haha, well we are either working very hard for long long hours or pretty much doing this:


So the lifestyle conducive to Sci Fi marathons =D.
couldn't make it past Ep. 3 of The Walking Dead ... not that it's bad ... just kind of lost interest.
I thought the second season was just plain bad...but I'm one of those dorks who has been reading the graphic novel for years and am obviously biased. It's hard for me to tell it it's truly good or not. Seems to me though that the acting is bad, the dialogue is questionable and the plot is plodding.
yeah that whole bit in Ep.3 with Michael Rooker tied to the roof shouting racial slurs ... spending a half episode on that ... I was like wtf.
so up in PA this weekend I stopped by a tobacco store ... they sold "empty" cigarettes ... packed in a carton ... for like $6

they you can buy a huge bag of your tobacco of your choice for another $10 ...

pay for it ... then by the exit ... there was this big metal machine not unlike a trash compactor ... that seemingly combined the 2 for you and made you 200 cigarettes.

when was this invented?