The "The Worst Part About" thread

that i never got to meet him...the worst thing about metal is that all the greats have a history of dieing out of nowhere

(hendrix, dimebag, burton...)
It's all special effects and they don't take their time to write a really awesome plot. Although some of them do, but not as much as the old days.

What is the worst part about 2006?
The worst part about 2006 is that it isn't an election year and, it also plays host to my 40th birthday

whats the worst part about being the designated driver ?
shit posts like this one (but why the hell am I replying!?!?!...) and the band games (+1 +5 -1 etc etc).....

What's the worst thing about anthrax (if we ain't had it already - which we probably have, so fuck it, I'm fucking off to get some tea)
Davros666 said:
What's the worst thing about anthrax (if we ain't had it already - which we probably have, so fuck it, I'm fucking off to get some tea)

No new album as of yet but ALOT of hype about it. JUST RECORD IT ALREADY!!!

What is the worst thing about in a band?
metal_thrashing_kansan said:
No new album as of yet but ALOT of hype about it. JUST RECORD IT ALREADY!!!

What is the worst thing about in a band?

I have no idea what the hell that question means so I will answer "Blue"

What is the worst part about oral sex?
nafnikufesin said:
Coming up with new questions
What's the worst thing about clocks?
Trying to keep them out of your ass. That makes no sense.
What's the worst part about taco bell?
nafnikufesin said:
The smell after you eat asparagus

What's the worst thing about home ownership?

All the BS work maintaing the dump
What's the wrost part about being married.