Worst part of any Opeth song?

One of the worst things I've ever heard (not just in Opeth's music, but ANYTHING) is DeFarfalla's open E-string 8th-note slapping on "In Mist She Was Standing", right around 6:40 to 7:10. My God, why did he play that? Or, if Mike did write that part, why? It's so out of place, and it sounds fucking amateurish and stupid. It's a pity, because the parts right before and after it are so awesome. damn you, johan!
^^I really like that part. It's really unique to Opeth's music. Least favorite parts are the snoozefest intros to the Moor and A Fair Judgment. I don't like the ending of Closure all that much either.
I think Dirge For November, the ENTIRE SONG, is one of Opeth's greatest works. Fantastic in every respect...waaaaaay more emotion than most songs, and the simplicity of the lyrics are excellent.
Closure is a good half-song, but MUCH better on the DVD, what with that section where it pretty much goes to nothing, then spends several minutes rebuilding itself. Classy.
Heh, whoever said "like a lame poetry club reading" should have been talking about Orchid, with Under The Weeping Moon getting the worst blame. Come on, those lyrics...they range between pretty cool, ok, passable to Hippie-class...Never thought much of the start of this song either...but i suppose it The Apostle In Triumph who takes first prize in that respect...come on Opeth, admit it: that intro has NOTHING to do with the song, and you just put it in their because you thought it was cool and it had nowhere else to go
OH YEAH! And the start of Hope Leaves....what is up with that click??
Haha usually the ends of songs are part of the songs...but Opeth just has to be different, dont they? The best bit of Apostle is those funky synthesizers or whatever they are at 7:24. Noone can deny that.
the_3_toed_sloth said:
Haha usually the ends of songs are part of the songs...but Opeth just has to be different, dont they? The best bit of Apostle is those funky synthesizers or whatever they are at 7:24. Noone can deny that.

Isn't that a really weird guitar effect?
House of Seance said:
the outro to A Fair Judgement is actually probably one of my favorite parts of any Opeth song, hehe

I was beginning to think I was the only one who liked that part. :err:

Call me a fanboy if you want, but other than "Eternal Soul Torture", I can't find much to criticize Opeth for.
I don't think those rehearsal tracks "Into the Frost of Winter" or "Eternal Sul Torture" sound that bad at all! Pretty cool, if you ask me!

Loser: The Moor intro, most of AFJ, some of Bleak (don't know why).
synergy said:
What do you people think is the worst part in any Opeth song...it could be a fruity lyric, boring riff, or some piece of music that just seems completely out of place. My vote goes to the outro of A Fair Judgement - Such an amazing song and then it ends with that lame riff, but thats just my opinion. Sure this thread is negative, but I was bored :grin:

I agree
synergy said:
the Hope Leaves "click" is barely noticeable if you listen to it through Closure...it's just part of the cut-off that everyone hates so much

That tends to happen when you abruplty change volumes on a track.

My worst moment is probably the end of Deliverance. It's turned into a complete gimmick, and musically its pretty worthless (I'm a Meshuggah fan, so don't even start with the rhythm bullshit).

A good majority of Night and the Silent Water, especially the ending part. One of the biggest anti-climaxes I've heard.

The acoustic verse with harmony vocals in Master's Apprentices. Sounds even more cut and pasted in than most parts on Orchid, not to mention sounding like its taken straight from a Porcupine Tree track.

There are some others. Might add them later.
well i hate to do this...and i think we should all burn in eternal flames for saying anything bad about Opeth...but i really dont like the lyrics at the begining of Deliverance (Floating on Mist...Crept Up The Caverns of My Brain) what does that even mean?..........Sorry Mikeal
The riff at 2:00 in BWP is too short. I love that riff.
I don't like the drum beat in the acoustic part of Moonlapse Vertigo, right after the majestic intro. When the beat changes as Mike starts singing, I feel relieved.