The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

If you like Isis, Neurosis or Jesu then there's no reason to not like Cult of luna, if you don't like the aforementioned bands though I wouldn't bother! Give there album "Salvation" a try, I can't think of any specific track names but it's probably there easiest to appreciate.

Isis and Jesu were absolutely incredible live. Especially Isis, they smashed all my pre-conceptions of what they'd be like and basically kicked enormous amounts of ass.
I heard the song "Leave Me Here" off COL's Salvation.

It does bear similarities to Isis, with an occasional cool riff or so. It's pretentious and tiresome, but I like it. Certainly not something I'd listen to all the time.

I totally get why I was told to avoid it...;)

@GoD, what style are Darkspace?
Christie_fell said:
Nick, don't listen to Cult of Luna.

Meh, there certainly not for everybody, I love them personally. I don't see why people rubbish them so much, it's music, it's subjective, get over it.
hurricane party are a great new band, I highly recommend them. Seen them 4 times now, there are playing at download, so if your going, check them out, they sound a bit like poison. Ive got their ep get this. Its very good
sikth said:
Meh, there certainly not for everybody, I love them personally. I don't see why people rubbish them so much, it's music, it's subjective, get over it.
This was Nick we were talking about. If it were you, I'd say "hey sikth, go ahead and get Cult of Luna."...but Nick wouldn't like them...well, maybe he did a little..

EDIT: nevermind. I don't like cult of luna. I was just spreading wisdom. ;)
Christie fell said:
If it were you, I'd say "hey sikth, go ahead and get Cult of Luna."...but Nick wouldn't like them...well, maybe he did a little...

No, no, I appreciate it. I reall do. I wasn't expecting to like them.

I value your opinions and recommendations, as I do with most of the Inquisition.

Even though I'm not allowed in because I listen to "weak" bands, my interest was expressed in the first place because I happen to like a lot of the same stuff you all do. Even if I disagree with J-P about a lot of stuff, he remains one of my favorite posters because he never steers me wrong with recs.

Same with V^5, except I actually like his attitude too. :p
anonymousnick2001 said:
Even though I'm not allowed in because I listen to "weak" bands, my interest was expressed in the first place because I happen to like a lot of the same stuff you all do.

I never had a problem with you being in. Until now. You didn't specifically mention me you cunt. I'm hurt. :cry:

Also Alice In Hell is Pretty good and Never Neverland is okay and then like 5 songs from the rest of their catalogue are bearable.
Dodens Grav said:
I never had a problem with you being in. Until now. You didn't specifically mention me you cunt. I'm hurt.

I didn't mention Pyrus, either. And I like both of you a lot more than I like J-P.

*make up group hug*