The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

The Rack is awesome progressive death metal, one of my favourites. It's mostly not very fast but the riffs absolutely crush and suffocate (check out the first riff on 'Evocation' to see what I mean). In particular the title track is great (similar to Schizophrenia by Miasma - if you like this band you'l love Asphyx too).
Entombed is very cool. I like their first 2 albums, but their later stuff is unlistenable.
kmik said:
The Rack is awesome progressive death metal, one of my favourites. It's mostly not very fast but the riffs absolutely crush and suffocate (check out the first riff on 'Evocation' to see what I mean). In particular the title track is great (similar to Schizophrenia by Miasma - if you like this band you'l love Asphyx too).

I also get that vibe from Autopsy's Mental Funeral.
Yeah, agreed, but Asphyx has much better production and guitar tone which highlight that, in my opinion.
swizzlenuts said:
prodigal sun is one of my favorite albums...

Yes it's very good.

Also, Erik, let's not forget that that is pretty much a recommendations list...I mean, Entombed is pretty well known, and while, say Amorphis is pretty well known too, not many people have bothered with their early stuff...
I'm listening to Amok by Sui Generis Umbra and am thoroughly disturbed by the first track alone...the rest of it is just industrial music type stuff...hmph

*putting on Kvist's For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike instead*
I will check out this Alcest release. It sounds like my thing and all the praise for it is looking good.

Everyone knows about the disEMBOWELMENT rerelease, right?