The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

twist of cain said:
best thing i have listened to in ages is hate eternal-i monarch

i listened to it and i thought it was terrible.... cant ever hear the damn guitar... all it is is blastbeats... boring
New tracks I made. Three tracks in about 45 minutes or so so far...I will probably do a few shorter ones using select sources or field recordings and then a long one to bring it to about 70 or so minutes.

They came out pretty well for my first almost completely analog recordings (aka not digital synth fuckery), and I am a harsh critic, especially of myself.
Erik said:
and sabbat, and runemagick, and hate forest (except they stopped)

damn prolific fuckers

one album every 5 years is the way to go tbh

Don't forget Graveland. And apparently Countess now. Orlok's already finished Ancient Lies And Battlecries, the follow-up to Spawn Of Steel. Complete with a cover of Outbreak of Evil, I might add.
I've listened to 'Themes From William Blake's The Marriage Of Heaven And Hell' quite a few times through now and I really love it. For loving Garm so much, it entirely too long for me to buy some Ulver music. I've gotten that, 'Perdition City,' 'Blood Inside,' and 'Svidd Neger,' so I'm thinking maybe next time I'll go where I haven't gone in a while and pick up Natens Madrigal, or maybe the folk/black one from the trilogy.