The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Actually track 4 "Atonement" is fucking groovy. Feelin' a bit of stoner vibe, maybe Per chipped in on writing, being from Spiritual Beggars and all.
i think metal archives is down because so many people want to write shitty reviews for ghost reveries...
The new Opeth is great IMO, reminds me of BWP and Still Life mixed together. Although it isn't as good as MAYH I'm still really digging it.

I'll have to check out the new Adramalech
Does Opeth have an album that has more "passion?" I've been listening to Blackwater Park on and off over the year plus since I bought it, and it's so mellow, especially in the vocal department. It seems like there aren't really any really passionate vocal moments, he's just always singing so softly, which seems like his style....

I got 'Alive Again' by Nightingale and I like Dan Swano's vocals better than Mikael Akerfeldts'.
Barking Pumpkin said:
Does Opeth have an album that has more "passion?" I've been listening to Blackwater Park on and off over the year plus since I bought it, and it's so mellow, especially in the vocal department. It seems like there aren't really any really passionate vocal moments, he's just always singing so softly, which seems like his style....

I think it's just his style, soft and almost soothing rather than passionate. Orchid or Damnation might be considered more passionate vocally than his other work, but not by much.
Ah once again I am reminded of the glorious MORRIGAN. Celts, niggles...Celts. Also listen to Helheim.

Has anyone else listened to the most recent Oathean, Fading Away into the Grave of Nothingness? What the hell was chaos thinking with that 20% he gave? That's utter shit.
GoD, you recommended me flesh crawl about 3 months ago... and its been sitting on my computer... i just put it in to see what it was like.....

good fucking shit

Now Playing: Fleshcrawl - Made Of Flesh - Flesh Bloody Flesh [02m41s / 03m19s]