The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

To the people talking about Kataxu, I highly recomend both of their CDs (err tape and CD). When I first heard the CD (Hunger of Elements) I thought it was OK, but nothing that specail. But for the heck of it I decided to hunt down the tape (Roots Thunder) and was amazed at the tape. It was stuck in my tape player (sucks that is a tape but oh well) for a good amount of time. After listening to the tape for awhile I decided to relisten to Hunger of Elements and I really enjoyed that. For me Kataxu was a band that took me awhile to get into, and Roots Thunder really helped me enjoy them more. If you have a choice try to hunt down Roots Thunder and get that first and then listen to Hunger or Elements.
Who can offer me opinion on these releases?

Authorize - The Source of Dominion
Convulse - World Without God
Decollation - Cursed Lands
Goddefied - Abysmal Grief
Mordicus - Dances from The Left
Morgue - Eroded Thoughts
Abysmal Grief is pretty effective but typical early Swedish DM if I remember rightly. I've heard good things about Authorize. Can't help any more than that.
Yay for me getting around to taking session pics of my own project, ICHOROUS!



I've been listening to Cirith Gorgor a lot...pretty competent/tight Dutch "war metal" (fast blasty black metal)...although they do have some great melodic moments.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
I've been listening to Cirith Gorgor a lot...pretty competent/tight Dutch "war metal" (fast blasty black metal)...although they do have some great melodic moments.

*nod* good band.
Source Of Dominion is straightfoward simplistic death metal is the typical Swedish style. Decent, but not outstanding. Definitely worth seeking out for avid fans like yourself, though.

I haven't heard the whole of World Without God, but from what I know it's very cool Finnish death metal, baring similarities to Slumber Of Sullen Eyes and other classics of the time.

Mordicus is basically an Entombed clone, with a lot of 'death 'n roll' riffing and extremely irritating treble spikes. It has its moments, but is generally not worth the effort of seeking it out.

Old-school death metal recommendation of the day: Disgrace (Fin) - Inside The Labyrinth of Depression.
Not if you put them on an elevated surface.

Also, I'm listening to the new Satanic Warmaster. They haven't done anything that's impressed my since Strength And Honour, quite frankly, and I don't know why I keep buying their material. Though this one does seem to be better than the majority of their post debut work.
I've been listening to a lot of Nile and Immortal lately. Yes...Very worthy post
Currently, Satanic Warmaster's "True Blackness" is the best song the've done since their debut.
This is the best Satanic Warmaster material since Strength And Honour. I might as well buy it, seeing as I bought Black Katharsis, Opferblut and ...Of The Night. :|