The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Killbot said:
I've heard of a band called Monolith, are they the same as Monolithe?

Not according to metal archives.

But on topic of melodic death, I just listened to Sorrow of Tranquility's full length Empire from Darkness. The lyrics are garbage, but this album would most likely be popular if it were not Japanese (along with Children of Bodom sort of bands). Not the type of music I can get into, anyways.
Hi every body!
I post for concell you one thing I:::.GOJIRA.:::I
(FRENCH DEATH metal,but more than that !)
ECARD FROM A NEW TRACK (waitdon't ,click to any thing it comes alone thx)
OFFICIAL SITE (go to "audios" than listen to "THE LINK" and "TERRA INCOGNITA" those 2 album are realy great ! and full streaming
Don't forget to tell me your impressions THX