The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Alright...that Twilight cd fucking rocks. I was surprised by the variety and upbeat tempo of some of the songs. Excellent cd.

I'm now listening to this Aberrant Vascular demo and it sounds like a bad ripoff of Arcturus' La Masquerade Infernale. All it is is carnival-ish keyboards with regular music in the background and operatic vocals. hmph. letdown.
Depends. If you want their more experimental side, by all means get White2. All of their albums are pretty different in presented ideas, however. The first full-length (00 Void) is the most consistent (4 long drone doom tracks). Flight Of The Behemoth begins with two drone doom cuts, continues with a shorter Merzbow-fucked (seriously!) cut, and on again with more Merzmixing on track 4. The last track is just weird (I don't really dig it but it's OK). White1 is pretty cool. The first track is almost a half an hour long and begins with spoken word by Julian Cope until collapsing into the usual droning state of the band. The 2nd track has a programmed drum track, sounding like a laid-back, sub-stoner-esque version of the band. The third track, if I remember correctly, is all synth a-la Burzum keyboard instrumentals but heavier and nowhere near as typically melodic.

White2 begins with the usual drone cut, HELL-O)))-WEEN (containing about 2 riffs), SEGUEING into a creepy, space-romping track appropriately titled bassAliens complete with extraterrestrial squeaks and beeps. The final track is hauntingly narrated drone with none other than Attila himself doing the narration. PH33R!

Black1 should be out sometime this year.

EDIT: Uh, before you listen to one track and write Sunn off as ridiculous or preposterous or some other similar word, TAKE THE TIME TO GET INTO THEM. I can't stress this enough for newcomers to this band. I can tell you stories of many people I know, Internet and otherwise (aka real live people!), who, after listening to Sunn and actually concentrating on the sound, have ended up not minding or actually ENJOYING what they do. I know Sunn isn't for everyone, but plz let's try to not write shit off as pointless after one listen, thanks.


I'd choose White 1 because the lyrics of "My Wall" have enough intrigue to kinda make you listen to it even if the music isn't doing anything for you.

I downloaded that Griffar album, and it's damn good.
Open your eyes, dipshits. This is a *metal* forum. Why the shit are you all talking about the non-metal songs/bands you've been listening to? Hmm, a metal forum, a thread that asks what bands you like. Try this, put the two together and what do you get? You're favourite metal bands, dumbass. But hey, lets all be posers and talk about Miles Davis.
Guthrum said:
Has anyone hear heard the Fjoergyn album Ernte Im Herbst? It's absolutely beautiful.

I'm afraid I'm at a loss as to what this band is trying to do. I've listened to this album 3 times now and while some parts are really majestic and epic, there's also many moments where I just can't figure out what they're trying to pull off. It's frustrating.