The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Well, these bands are really the best for me right now :)


What do you guys think of this stuff?(besides opeth, since I already know everyones opinion..)
I'm highly anticipating Agalloch's new one, I've heard it's already leaked ;) I'll try and not download it though. Summoning I'm fairly new to, but I love it and couldn't resist the advertising slogan of "The first song ever sung in orc!"

Did I mention I get to see Sleepytime Gorilla Museum or whatever it's called two nights in a row this July?!! I've started to like their stuff lately, and it's about time...
Man, now I have to suck up a shitload of back catalog to get ready! Any idea what they will play?
well, they only have two albums. There's not really a whole lot of room for them to choose from heh. But I can't say...I've never seen them live :( I plan on fixing that in July though!
Ah, perfect! :) Didn't you say you saw a member of their band play once though?
Rage in Ukraine

