The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

I heard the new Celtic Frost (one track) off the terrorizer cover mount cd this morning, and it sounded fucking the rest of the cd like it?

(It sounded to me like Morbid Tales meets Endtyme era Cathedral - awesome)
It's fucking AWESOME and me, you, and Jean-Pierre are like the only people who like it (cept the dude with the Monotheist avatar!)...

It's truly progressive, intelligent music. FUCK OFF THE HATERS! A top ten of 2006 in my book for sure.
Right, Im fetching the wallet right now and going to amazon used and new \m/

(V.V.V.V.V. - I hope this is good, no offence, but some of your tastes can be a little, how we say, un-metal?)
Carcassian said:
(V.V.V.V.V. - I hope this is good, no offence, but some of your tastes can be a little, how we say, un-metal?)

Eh, I know. I like noise, underground hip-hop, some indie/post-rock, whatever. Metal is my main genre and I'll always be mainly a part of that scene, but I am heavily involved in the harsh noise scene (I record, release, play shows, etc.), so I am also bound by ties there. I love both kinds of music equally, though. And I don't really like Carcass, but I respect you for your posts; you're clearly not a shit poster, and that's a welcome sight after all of these crappy dudes!

The best track on Monotheist, IMO, is Obscured.
I've been listening to alot of Katatonia lately

I love the new Celtic Frost. Some tracks have some repetitive, annoying sections, but that's outweighed by the general greatness of the album

My favorite track is Ground
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Eh, I know. I like noise, underground hip-hop, some indie/post-rock, whatever. Metal is my main genre and I'll always be mainly a part of that scene, but I am heavily involved in the harsh noise scene (I record, release, play shows, etc.), so I am also bound by ties there. I love both kinds of music equally, though. And I don't really like Carcass, but I respect you for your posts; you're clearly not a shit poster, and that's a welcome sight after all of these crappy dudes!

The best track on Monotheist, IMO, is Obscured.

Without sucking your cock dude, you're also a superior poster. :kickass:
V.V.V.V.V. said:

Come to think of it, I'm quite partial to Os Abysmi Vel Daath, as well. Everything on that CD is fantastic.
I think the reason it's so hated is because people expected it to be like classic Celtic Frost, and got something out of the blue