The Lovecraftian Batman
dream theater, into eternity, opeth, satyricon, and some others but i refound my passion for dream theater
Carcassian said:(V.V.V.V.V. - I hope this is good, no offence, but some of your tastes can be a little, how we say, un-metal?)
V.V.V.V.V. said:Eh, I know. I like noise, underground hip-hop, some indie/post-rock, whatever. Metal is my main genre and I'll always be mainly a part of that scene, but I am heavily involved in the harsh noise scene (I record, release, play shows, etc.), so I am also bound by ties there. I love both kinds of music equally, though. And I don't really like Carcass, but I respect you for your posts; you're clearly not a shit poster, and that's a welcome sight after all of these crappy dudes!
The best track on Monotheist, IMO, is Obscured.
I think the reason it's so hated is because people expected it to be like classic Celtic Frost, and got something out of the blueV.V.V.V.V. said:Thanks!
Come to think of it, I'm quite partial to Os Abysmi Vel Daath, as well. Everything on that CD is fantastic.
Blinded By Blood said:I think the reason it's so hated is because people expected it to be like classic Celtic Frost, and got something out of the blue
UndyingDarkness said:Been listening to the new Daylight Dies album, pretty good stuff.
unknown said:I think they're going on tour with Katatonia and Moonsorrow sometime this year