The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Consuming Impulse said:
1 Thrash
2 Heavy
3 Black (except recent black metal)
4 Groove
5 Industrial
6 Death (NOT melodeath, mainly early death metal)
7 Alternative (Not Nu)
8 Speed
9 Grindcore (mostly Napalm and E-grind)
10 Doom

Wow a list of the 10 most common metal subgenres, impressive.
I think I've finally determined why I enjoy Holy Terror's Mind Wars so all flows together so nicely. It's like one giant thrash epic. and now I'll just drool all over it
byrne said:
more like "a list of 5 metal sub-genres + some other ones i made up, in no particular order"

bullshit those sub gernes are real. e rind is rea. you just love to suck opeth and iced earth's dick everyday.
Draconysius said:
Are there any Sleep fans out there? (As in "Dopesmoker", "Jerusalem", "Holy Mountain")

right here! Sleep is awesome!

btw, awesome favorite band sig pic.
Speed metal would be motorhead and judas priest.

Thrash slayer destruction kreater and sodom,etc...