1. Tool - 10,000 Days (Volcano)
Obviously this has to be my top album...it's fucking Tool. Another brilliant outing from this band. I had high expectations for this, and while it's not quite as good as Lateralus, it is still a masterpiece.
2. Gory Blister - Skymorphosis (Mascot)
Brilliant and masterfully played technical death metal. Not overly so, however; very fittingly composed and modest, despite intense sections of ridiculous syncopation...or something.
3. Dismember - The God That Never Was (Regain)
Swedish death metal masters return with another insanely tight composition. After 2004's disappointing Where Ironcrosses Grow, the band is back with their best material since the debut!
4. Raunchy - Death Pop Romance (Lifeforce)
Now HERE's a surprise; I never knew I could enjoy this band so much. The previous album was pretty good but completely inconsistent; the band has thus matured into a fantastic, emotional act to watch.
5. Canvas Solaris - Penumbra Diffuse (Sensory)
Recorded in six fucking days, this instrumental whirlwind tour-de-force surprised me especially because the band's previous effort was total wank bullshit. Here's to learning how to compose!
6. Maroon - When Worlds Collide (Century Media)
Another CD from a band that's never impressed me: this time, German straightedge/vegan metalcore! But wait...solos? Acoustic intros? Fantastic concept? What the fuck, a total winner.
7. Textures - Drawing Circles (Listenable)
Progressive metal combined with just a bit of Meshuggah-esque chug, replacing that band's cynical outlook with a critical observation of the evolution of humanity, complete with perfect emotion.
8. Celtic Frost - Monotheist (Century Media)
Two CM CDs on my top ten is pretty amazing, but here goes; Tom and his gang return for the first time in for-fucking-ever with a truly progressive and monstrous work. Dare to be dark!
9. Anata - The Conductor's Departure (Earache)
Though jumping the bandwagon and milking the new tech. death phenomenon, Anata still stand above a lot of the competition in terms of not only their skill but also their knack for melody.
10. Saprogenic - Ichneumonid (Forever Underground)
Though blatantly less amazing than on their last CD, the step-down is only slight for this highly talented and visceral brutal death act; tight rhythms and riffs stab the listener with subtle epicness.
(taken from