The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Susperia said:
By supporting the band, you do support their views, whether it's voluntary or not. By giving them money and support it encourages not only the music, but their views as well.

It sucks because I like some NS music, like Nokturnal Mortum, but I won't buy their music because I will not support racism. I'd rather support illegal downloading of music than support racism. It's the lesser evil.
When you buy a cd you pay for their music not for their ideology... it's their problem what happens next. When you buy bread, you want to eat, not to support the baker's ideas. And you want to suport some NS band, i'm sure there are better ways to do it, other than buying their music.
immo said:
When you buy a cd you pay for their music not for their ideology... it's their problem what happens next. When you buy bread, you want to eat, not to support the baker's ideas. And you want to suport some NS band, i'm sure there are better ways to do it, other than buying their music.

Phew, now I can reconcile my wsh to hear Hitler and the rockin' Himmlers :kickass:
how is being racist any less "evil" than all the persecution that metal bands direct towards religions? by that stupid logic you cant support any band that is offensive in anyway (where "offensive" is all relative to individuals).

it would be a different story if a band contributed all profits towards directly discriminating against any given minority (e.g. the funding of some sort of violent cult), but that isnt the case for any band that i am aware of. but at the moment, you are just ripping off people you deem worthy to rip off and i dont see how you can be that judge.

PLUS, if you promote "tolerance" of races, why not just be tolerant of their intolerance?
byrne said:
how is being racist any less "evil" than all the persecution that metal bands direct towards religions? by that stupid logic you cant support any band that is offensive in anyway (where "offensive" is all relative to individuals).

it would be a different story if a band contributed all profits towards directly discriminating against any given minority (e.g. the funding of some sort of violent cult), but that isnt the case for any band that i am aware of. but at the moment, you are just ripping off people you deem worthy to rip off and i dont see how you can be that judge.

PLUS, if you promote "intolerance" of races, why not just be tolerant of their intolerance?

The whole ''tolerant of intolerance" thing is retarded, don't dumb yourself down by saying it.

And I am tolerant of it. I don't start shit or yell at anyone for saying things (unless I think I have the right to voice my own opinion... which I usually do) and I don't go picketing anything. I am unbelievably tolerant.

However, I dont' understand that you guys won't admit that buying music from NS bands is supporting them and their views! You are giving them the means to continue with both. It's just up to each one of us to decide what we think is the less evil. And when I say evil I don't really mean ''satan is evil!!omghz!" It's just a saying. I choose to not want any part of support for NS bands. It's just my personal decision.

I do see your point about ripping them off though. I never said it was right. It just lets me sleep easier at night thinking/hoping I'm not supporting NS.

edit: But I still get to enjoy the music. I do love Nokturnal Mortum's music. I can't help that.
Susperia said:
The whole ''tolerant of intolerance" thing is retarded, don't dumb yourself down by saying it.

And I am tolerant of it. I don't start shit or yell at anyone for saying things (unless I think I have the right to voice my own opinion... which I usually do) and I don't go picketing anything. I am unbelievably tolerant.

However, I dont' understand that you guys won't admit that buying music from NS bands is supporting them and their views! You are giving them the means to continue with both. It's just up to each one of us to decide what we think is the less evil. And when I say evil I don't really mean ''satan is evil!!omghz!" It's just a saying. I choose to not want any part of support for NS bands. It's just my personal decision.

I do see your point about ripping them off though. I never said it was right. It just lets me sleep easier at night thinking/hoping I'm not supporting NS.

edit: But I still get to enjoy the music. I do love Nokturnal Mortum's music. I can't help that.

This is just blatantly fucking wrong. First of all, the band already got any money they'd be making off of the CD before you ever see it unless you buy it directly from the band. The money you spend on the CD goes to supporting the place from which you bought it. So you're supporting the record store. Monetarily. Which is not ideological. Whoever hires Knjaz Varggoth at the grocery store as a clerk is the cunt supporting his NS ideals, not me.
The more in demand a band is (i.e. the number of CD's they sell) the more reason they have to support themselves and make more music. I don't really believe it that a band's paid a determined amount of money beforehand, before they even know whether the album will sell or not. It seems backwards to me. It makes more sense to pay them a certain amount up front and then whether the cd sells a lot or not, they get more money (or none).
Holy crap susperia is talking about music instead of showing her panties in the picture thread.

"General Metal Discussion"


i love you
Susperia said:
The more in demand a band is (i.e. the number of CD's they sell) the more reason they have to support themselves and make more music. I don't really believe it that a band's paid a determined amount of money beforehand, before they even know whether the album will sell or not. It seems backwards to me. It makes more sense to pay them a certain amount up front and then whether the cd sells a lot or not, they get more money (or none).

No NS band will ever support themselves off of their music. The band gets money from the record label and its distributors sell the CDs to record stores/mailorder services/what-have-you. Aside from whatever the band sells on their own, that is the end of the transaction. In other words, it's well before it touches your hands.

Anyway, giving an "evil" person money doesn't make you a bad person, and it does not mean that you support their ideals. It means that you're paying for a service that they provided, just like any other artist.
Again, when I say ''the lesser evil" it is solely because that is an appropriate phrase. I don't actually think National Socialists are ''evil".

Also, I do feel better with myself knowing I'm not contributing to them by spending money on their music. Lastly, my boyfriend would do something close to beating me if I bought a NSBM album.
They're normal people, just like you. They just happen to hate a group of people because of something they can't help, as opposed to hating a group of people because of something they can help.
Also, god, my fucking brother didn't disable the plug-in for audioscrobbler, now I have Dropkick Murphys and Flogging Molly and probably some other crap on my :zombie:
How cute.

And what do you mean that they can or cannot help?? Racism is racism is racism! I don't fucking care whether than can help it or not. I dont' care if they were molested by their gay uncle's black Jewish boyfriend as a child. They're still bloody RACIST AND IGNORANT.

They just happen to write decent music in the process.