The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

I'm talking about the people that they hate that can't help it, genius. Black people can't help being black, whereas a Christian being a Christian is an active choice. Frankly, hating someone for being a Christian isn't much better than hating someone for being black. It's both spawned out of ignorance and generalization. So GO FUCK YOURSELF AND DIE YOU WORTHLESS TWAT.
I agree. Anyone who hates anyone for simply what they were born with, or simply because they believe in a different god (or believe in anything at all) is moronic in my opinion.

Hating someone who is Christian however, can be viable. But only if they've done something that deserves hatred. Simply going to church and loving Jesus isn't enough for me to hate anyone certainly. SO GO WASH YOUR MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP YOU TURKEY.
Necuratul said:
No NS band will ever support themselves off of their music. The band gets money from the record label and its distributors sell the CDs to record stores/mailorder services/what-have-you. Aside from whatever the band sells on their own, that is the end of the transaction. In other words, it's well before it touches your hands.

Anyway, giving an "evil" person money doesn't make you a bad person, and it does not mean that you support their ideals. It means that you're paying for a service that they provided, just like any other artist.

Ive often pondered weather or not me owning albums by bands that hold extreme viewpoints means that i support their views. I used to think that it probably does in some respects, now im not so sure.