The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

byrne said:
that is one of THE dumbest things i have ever read.

take this "extreme" example, which i admit is both impractical and unrealistic, but nonetheless proves my point:

1. a person is beaten into a bloody pulp by a group of "ethnic" men, because they wanted to stealy my ipod.

2. a person is beaten into a bloody pulp by a particular religious sect who wanted to tell me about their religion and how their saviour could lead to my redemption and forgiveness of sins (or, if it makes it easier, because they wanted to steal my ipod).

in both scenarios that person has been attacked without provocation by particular groups of people. using your reasoning, i couldnt generalise about that ethnic community, but i could generalise about the religious sect. how the fuck is that at all fair?

racism is overrated. its no worse than religious persecution, attacking political views, sexuality etc. yet you would be more than happy to buy a cd of a band that calls people "faggots", writes about the destruction of christianity OR writes about perceived political injustice.

perhaps you should listen to less HYPORCISY susperia ...

as far as the argument about cd purchase goes - i would have thought most cds were purchased on consignment in line with how retailers tend to operate, which would more likely make susperia right, but then again, i dont own a record store, so i dont know.

You COMPLETELY misunderstood my post byrne! What I was saying that I could hate an INDIVIDUAL PERSON who HAPPENS TO BE Christian, HOWEVER, I agreed that it is NOT viable to hate someone BECAUSE THEY ARE CHRISTIAN. Jesus man.

And plz spell hypocrisy correctly next time thx.
Susperia said:
You COMPLETELY misunderstood my post byrne! What I was saying that I could hate an INDIVIDUAL PERSON who HAPPENS TO BE Christian, HOWEVER, I agreed that it is NOT viable to hate someone BECAUSE THEY ARE CHRISTIAN. Jesus man.

ya i wouldve said this originally except i was hoping youd snap at him you sort of disappointed me
80% of my favorite songs, i dont have a fucking clue as to what their saying or talking about (lyrics dont mean a fucking thing to me)
Hmm, which one did you listen to? The songs have very different vocals. Personally, both were incredible for me... Try listening to it about 50 times on repeat. That helps. Thanks for listening :kickass:
zim18 said:
80% of my favorite songs, i dont have a fucking clue as to what their saying or talking about (lyrics dont mean a fucking thing to me)

Same thing with me. I don't pay close attention to the lyrics. I only check them out when the title of the song is interesting. That's why I search for Anaal Nathrakh lyrics for fucking ages and I can't still find them. Although Anaal Nathrakh are still my favourite band.
The Timebird said:
sorrow (US) are totally fucking awesome, massively heavy old school doomy DM (from 1992, just in case you're doubting it's good), exploring social themes in an unusually quirky, ironic manner. all of you get hatred and disgust if you don't have it already.
jesus stop praising completely mediocre bands

they're not anywhere close to "totally fucking awesome" and the lyrics are absolute fucking shite

get the first my dying bride ep and shut your gobshite
Danallica said:
Ive often pondered weather or not me owning albums by bands that hold extreme viewpoints means that i support their views. I used to think that it probably does in some respects, now im not so sure.
87% of all electronics and shit you own is probably made in china

this means you support communism, ignorance of human rights and dictatorship btw
Susperia said:
You COMPLETELY misunderstood my post byrne! What I was saying that I could hate an INDIVIDUAL PERSON who HAPPENS TO BE Christian, HOWEVER, I agreed that it is NOT viable to hate someone BECAUSE THEY ARE CHRISTIAN. Jesus man.

my point lies in what is inferred by your comment.

so to make a long story short, your support for bands which are anti-christian is complete hypocrisy in contrast to your "moral high-ground, racial tolerance" crap re: NS bands. ever thought a christian would be just as offended by your bands, as a black man would be of the bands i "support"?

racism is way fucking overrated. get over it and purchase Arghoslent's Incorrigible Bigotry.
Yeah, because there's not several massive religious conflicts in several regions of the world right fucking now. :zombie: