The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Ich bekomme Angst Divine Wrath heute.

Und dieser ist sehr gut: Kaosritual Rituell Katarsis
Auch Akihma Apud Excessum ist sehr gut.
Been listening to Suffocation's "Effigy Of The Forgotten", Mayhem's "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas", Exhumed's "Anatomy Is Destiny" and Mastodon's "Leviathan" lately.
Merzbow's Tauromachine and Pulse Demon, along with Masonna's Inner Mind Mystique have been kicking my ass lately. Been garnering a newfound respect for harsh noise.
To tell you the truth, I never really got it at all until a few days ago. It's one of those things you have to appreciate as an art, and you have to pay attention to it while listening. If you don't, you miss waves upon waves of sound and the entire experience ends up being pointless. I hated it at first, but like most great shit, if you listen to it more, it grows on you.
I've finaly got an income, so I'm gunna hit the CD store extremely hard as my first pay comes in. Until then, I'm sticking with epic black metal and 80's thrash.
I've been on a black metal phase as of late. Mostly melodic or folk influenced black metal:

Vinterland - Welcome My Last Chapter (Wings Of Sorrow)
Temnozor' - Horizons...
Nokturnal Mortum - Lunar Poetry, Goat Horns
Aborym - With No Human Intervention
With No Human Intervention seems like one of the only BM albums to incorporate techno/industrial beats and effects, yet still be good.