The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

I own Emperor's Discography minus the last one. They were my introduction to Black Metal. I have century media to thank for that. They were having a sale, $5 an Emperor cd. So i got 'em all except for their last one.
now i know no one here likes slipknot but how bout stone sour?

and anyone know any good watchmaker or cattle decapitation albums?

(and i realize this isn't the reccomendations thread to save all of you the trouble of contradicting me)
Karsa said:
paysage d'hiver's steineiche demo is excellent, what else should i get by this band?

Pretty much everything is excellent, but my personal favourite is Kristall & Isa. Although I haven't heard the split with Lunar Aurora, no doubt that will be well worth checking out.
Zephyrus said:
Check out Borknagar. They're hard to get into, but if you give the effort you will be rewarded twelve-thousand-fold.

Agreed. They struck me as sort of bland when I heard them the first time, but they have since grown drastically on me. I like all their Vintersorg work best.

Evil? said:
Because I am a newb and have only just begun to relize howgreat black metal can be, I have been hearing alot of good, but old albums for the first time in the last few weeks. I just finished listening to Bergtatt by Ulver and Dark Medeival Times by Satyricon and they both fucking rule.

Black metal is a great genre. I like better than death metal because it has more of an otherworldly feel to it.
Blue_Jay said:
I only just got into black metal also. The only genre I haven't really dived that deep into yet is progressive metal.

plus you know all those other genres outside of metal
Blue_Jay said:
I only just got into black metal also. The only genre I haven't really dived that deep into yet is progressive metal.

I still maintain that progressive, like avant garde, cannot be a genre in itself, but a way of furthur defining a band from another sub-genre of metal.
I watched 1349, Zyklon and Enslaved on Thursday. :kickass:

1349 - enjoyable enough I suppose, but utterly unoriginal.

Zyklon - actually fairly dull at times. I find a lot of their riffs pretty monotonous and uninspired, and the drum beats tend to be a bit boring as well. Forgettable death metal.

Enslaved - they're one of the most majestic live bands I've seen, every time. They totally conquered the night, and played a great mix of old and new. The sound across the whole night was fantastic, the venue was a converted church and everything sounded spot on. I love Enslaved's new material, it's great.