The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

The Bringer said:
This time of year, when the nights start to grow longer, I always have a tendence to listen to darker more gothic styled metal. I always find myself listening to these albums and I highly recommend them:

Farmer Boys - The Other Side
Sirenia - An Elexier for Existence
Sirenia - At Sixes and Sevens
After Forever - Invisible Circles
I haven't really enjoyed Sirenia or After Forever

However I would recommend Within Temptation, Leaves Eyes, Draconion, Vanguard (Fin)
unknown said:
Hey Dodens...since I know you're a big Countess fan, I found this review of the latest cd on Lords of Metal:

"'Holocaust Of The God Believers' is a disastrous piece of malpractice and an insult to the black metal genre. Badly produced, badly executed and badly written. The very simplistic and true rock-based black metal really only laughable. However, I'm not laughing."

have you heard it? thoughts?

I don't particularly give a fuck about what people think of Countess. In fact, I think I'd rather people not like them and leave them the fuck alone. Regarding the actual content however, the only thing that's actually poorly produced is the vocals, and that's intentional, and I actually strongly agree with that criticism. Everything else is actually very well done and easily audible. Orlok makes no secret that his music lies just as much in Traditional Metal as it does Black Metal, so yeah, duh, common fucking sense there. As far "badly executed and badly written," that's a matter of opinion, and one that I don't share. Countess isn't for everyone, especially for people who believe that Black Metal only actually existed for a few years in the early 90s and never had anything to do with more traditional forms of metal..
Heh, right and i think "Spawn Of Steel" is the perfect example of traditional metal influences at Countess.
Cythraul said:
Xasthur is alright. They're a little inconsistent as far as quality goes. I prefer Leviathan if I want to listen to "suicidal" black metal.

I feel that, though The Tenth Sublevel Of Suicide is the best of both worlds, Xasthur's oft-irrationally-overlooked Nocturnal Poisoning is a fantastic album deserving of much higher praise than it gets...

immo recommended Silencer, and he's SO right on the ball there; Death - Pierce Me is fucking fantastic stuff. Nattramn has recently begun working on a new black ambient project, as well...go searching for it (I don't remember the exact name).

Cythraul said:
Yeah, I'm done with the whole trolling thing. Actually, I'd much rather discuss metal and not be a dick about it + I don't want to get banned.

Heh, good. I can't directly ban people, but I can report them, which will, when it occurs, usually result in a ban assuming they've done something bad enough. Anyway I'm glad, since you're generally quite knowledgeable.

And I wanted to know if you had a so I could add you.
Regarding Countess once again, for those who did like Spawn Of Steel, you may be interested in Holocaust Of The God Believers as well. It's more or less the same formula with a bit more variety to go around.
Impudent said:
I will purchase all Countess albums...some day.

I read that as "in one day" which I bet on being not far from the truth. :lol:

Alkonost is awesome Agalloch/Summoning-ish stuff from Russia. Everyone check 'em out.
That probably is true, but probably not for a while. I have not the money to be spending on CDs right now. I need to save some up.
From Countess i have The Return of the Horned One, Ad Maiorem Sathanae Gloriam, Heilig Vuur and Spawn Of Steel. And i have to say that Bloed in De Sneeuw (live version) is my favourite Countess song.. it's brilliant, i never get tired of it.
metal_wrath said:
I haven't really enjoyed Sirenia or After Forever

However I would recommend Within Temptation, Leaves Eyes, Draconion, Vanguard (Fin)

Leaves' Eyes 'lovelorn' is ace. I normally would not like something like that but liv kristines voice plus the the song writing between her and the band is hard to not get into. I do not like the other leaves eyes release nearly as much. I like that direction the band had.
The Greys said:
Leaves' Eyes 'lovelorn' is ace. I normally would not like something like that but liv kristines voice plus the the song writing between her and the band is hard to not get into. I do not like the other leaves eyes release nearly as much. I like that direction the band had.
Sweet, I like Leaves' Eyes as well. Do you like any of Atrocity? (since they have basically the same line-up) And have you heard Liv's solo cds, Deus Ex Machina and Enter My Religion?

Also, Liv's younger sister is in Midnattsol.


Drawn & Quartered 2006 Hail Infernal Darkness

This is absolutely one of the top albums of 2006, no doubt. Awesome black death. /// I find it to be comparatively, a blend of something like Immolation - Unholy Cult and early to midrange Deathspell Omega, with a side of Xenomorph or something close. Awesome album. Definitely top ten on my list...totally ripping heavy, fast, extreme metal all the way...

US Black Death


Drawn And Quartered 2006 Hail Infernal Darkness
1.Procession Of Pain
2.Genocide Advocacy
3.Hail Infernal Darkness
4.Blood Of A Million Martyrs
5.Throne Of Desolation (Befouling The Scriptures)
6.Suffer A Traitor’s Fate
7.Escape To Cremation
8.Bind, Torture, Kill
9.Nightghoul Of The Graveyards

Drawn And Quartered - "Hail Infernal Darkness" (CD)

DAQ's new 4th album, and their DARKEST and most CRUSHING album to date. Anyone who calls themselves a fan of Death Metal but have not checked this band are metal-core Posuers!!!
I found it just okay. Nothing that hasn't done before, and they didn't move on from what has been done like that. Yes there is some Immolation in it, but no way in hell is there Deathspell Omega.