The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

I'm listening to this band Electro Quarterstaff (somebody on here mentioned their name I think) instrumental metal type stuff...anyway...their song titles made me :lol: slightly

'The Right to Arm Bears'
'Something Awry in the Hetfield of Dreams'

aside from my childish enjoyment of plays on words, the music is pretty good. Fans of Behold...the Arctopus should definitely check them out
I've been Spinning Varathron - His Majesty in the Swamp a lot, which I love, but I almost think Hail's cover of Unholy Funeral is better. :kickass:
It only recently dawned on me that the cover of every one of Cirith Ungol's full lengths feature artwork of Michael Moorcock's fantasy character Elric of Melnibone, which I am reading at the moment.

I like Cirith Ungol even more now. Maybe I should actually order some of their albums. :/
No funds innit.

The only thing I've picked up recently is Melissa/The Beginning, as I needed to use a store voucher.

Sucks, uni is far too expensive for metal. There's always the overdraft though...
What is this boards opinion on Depresy's Sighting? I am just hearing it for the first time and it seems to be pretty unique in death metal as far as I can tell (unique in a good way).:kickass: