The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Evil? said:
Having only heard it for the first time recently myself I can relate. Better to discover an old classic late then to never hear it at all.

Exactly, I've probably yet to hear a lot of "classics" but I'm sure that they will come to me here and there in the future.
unknown said:

It sounds like dissonance merely for the sake of being dissonant...every song is really the same thing, just with minor nuances altered...I downloaded the leak severeal weeks ago and presumed it to be fake, but signs point to it actually being the real leak...which is shitty because The Work Which Transforms God and Memoria Vetusta I - Fathers Of The Icy Age are among my favorite BM CDs ever...

Everyone and I mean everyone...get the new Scythe CD,'s progressive death metal. It sounds like Pink Floyd if they were to play heavy, mid-paced death metal (and one or two songs are actually all clean vocaled, prog rock/chill type songs!). Brilliant album. Unknown, you'd love it, I think. You can check out some songs from it in the link to the official site of theirs in my sig. ;)

Edit: actually I think you can only listen to the new song(s) on Myspace, which is .

Edit2: (to avoid double posting)...the band Corphagy fucking rules; brutal death with modest use of keyboard/electornic samples. Brilliant, more bands should do this shit.
V5: Scythe sounds right up my alley...I'll definitely check em out

sucks about the new Blut Aus Nord...I was really hoping for something spectacular, but oh well
One more pimping to do for today: Norwegian "technical black" band Drottnar (though since black metal can't be technical by definition, it's really technical blackened death I guess). And don't worry about the Christian lyrical themes that the site purports; the new album seems to be mainly about Nazi mockery or something.

I reviewed their new CD last night and it was accepted soon after; highly recommended to people who like the new wave of tech. death stuff (Willowtip and Neurotic Records fans, check it out!) and want something a bit weird.
Neil On Impression are fucking good post-rock and you get super scenepoints for listening to them because they're so obscure