The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Well here is a band that I've never seen mentioned before and some of you may indeed like them.

It's got rural/peasant/farming/nature themes. There are two songs on their site. They're using three vocalists, sometimes all at once, with mixed results. It compares to Dissection and Agalloch in some ways. Considering that I don't even like Dissection all that much, some people might like this more than I did. The influence isn't at a Watain level of mimicry, though. Worth a listen.
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
Actually, George Fischer is one of the most dynamic DM vocalists out there. I don't blame anyone for knocking their lyrical concepts, but not everyone (if I may digress in an analogy) prefers the Evil Dead and Living Dead movies over Star Wars and Lord of the Rings like myself.There is one undeniably remarkable quality about CC however - they were vastly influential on death metal as a whole, and I guarantee they have impacted bands that you (and anyone else here who blasts them) like.

I do.:kickass:
If anyone here is into this sort of stuff, recommend more bands like
Gae Bolg and the Church of Fand, Sophia, Puissance, Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio, something bombastic, gloomy with militant percussion/drums
Aslong as Slayer plays songs after 1990 i'm never going to see their live show. so that's never
slayer's new CD is 100% garbage - at this point the only reason they make CDs is for money - the lyrics have become so stupid - the riffs just recycled - and the music is about as complex as your average mallcore CD

<<<<<hardcore slayer fan
J Mann said:
Unreal Overflows' Architecture of Incomprehension is a pretty decent melodic death metal release I must say (I think I first saw VVVVV recommend it so thanks).

One thing that stood out to me was that one of the main riffs in the track "Is There Anybody Outside?" has a progression that sounds exactly the same as one of the main riffs in Lykathea Aflame's "Flowering Entities". Not that this is bad thing (it doesn't completely rip it off) just something interesting I thought.

It's not decent, it's fuckin' awesome! :rock:
xxbigdavexx117 said:
are they gothenburg or are they actual DM that's melodic??

Death metal that's melodic, though sometimes they can get a bit typical in their melodies (not even close to a bad thing as I like that style).

However, the album is not even close to Gothenburg when taken as a's pretty technical/progressive and seems to me like it would please Atheist fans.
Mort Divine said:
From Covenant, I love Nexus Polaris.
From The Kovenant ... Animatronic is pretty good, and SETI is decent.

*high five*

The Kovenant is the band that got me into black metal, surprisingly, and Nexus Polaris is an album of pure beauty. Animatronic I like even better for some reason, and it's on my top ten albums list. I liked SETI when I got it two years ago, but now I can't even listen to it.
so a couple months ago in this thread, I mentioned how much Sigh dominate, and just wanted to let everyone know that this still stands true