The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

The Greys said:
Is old 'the kovenant' or old 'covenent' any good.

I had a little (The) C/Kovenant phase, and I fully regret it. I purchased Nexus Polaris and Animatronic, and in retrospect, I realize that those are shit albums. "Bizarre Cosmic Industries" is the only Covenant song I can tolerate anymore.
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
I had a little (The) C/Kovenant phase, and I fully regret it. I purchased Nexus Polaris and Animatronic, and in retrospect, I realize that those are shit albums. "Bizarre Cosmic Industries" is the only Covenant song I can tolerate anymore.

I'm not too fond of that song. I'm partial to "Dragonheart", "The Sulphur Feast" and "Chariots of Thunder".
V.V.V.V.V. said:
DarkBliss, have you heard In Slaughter Natives?
yes but I've only heard Sacrosancts Bleed and only spun it once but was not impressed by it, and moved on to explore other suggestions I was given.
I guess I should give it a few more tries.
Just checking; they're a staple of that whole pounding war drums militaristic insane choir vocaled martial industrial crap genre so whatever, haha...
Mort Divine said:
Intelligent Dance Music

i hate this term btw, because a) its pretentious and b) none of it is "dance music" at all given that you cant fucking dance to it

anyway im listening to aoki takamasa's "quantum" for the first time in a while......minimal yet spacious droney electronic soundscapes and shit with a rather warm and melodic feel to it when compared to much of the work in this field.....i saw someone compare it to burzum's hvis lyset tar oss which is interesting and i can kinda see where he's coming from to a degree

also my bloody valentine's "loveless" is back in rotation, this is one of the few albums that never gets old for me and every time i listen to it i'm amazed at how fucking good it is
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Just checking; they're a staple of that whole pounding war drums militaristic insane choir vocaled martial industrial CRAP genre so whatever, haha...

Anyway, here are two ORE tracks I've uploaded if anyone's interested in hearing them. When at their heaviest, they're quite reminiscent of Summoning at times just without the BM influence and with clean haunting male vocals

Ashen like love and black the snow.mp3(from Make Love and War:The Wedlock of Roses
Harvesting the Crop.mp3(from Make Love and War: The Wedlock of Equilibrium)
DarkBliss said:

Anyway, here are two ORE tracks I've uploaded if anyone's interested in hearing them. When at their heaviest, they're quite reminiscent of Summoning at times just without the BM influence and with clean haunting male vocals

Ashen like love and black the snow.mp3
Harvesting the Crop.mp3

I didn't mean it's crap, haha...I just meant crap as stuff in that context. I'm not very interested in the genre but I don't think it's CRAP. :p
haha yeah martial industrial (also known as military pop which is just about the most fuckin lol name for a genre ever) does suck but some neofolk is cool....mostly the shit that isnt obsessed with nazism although some death in june is good but i think douglas p just likes to piss people off rather than actually jack off over hitler or whatever

actually given his military fetishism he probably does jack off over hitler but doesnt necessarily agree with his ideologies