The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

The Greys said:
Is Cynic-focus really even a death metal album ?. it's not even really metal at all.


and Sentenced's "Amok" is much, much further from death metal then Cynic. And it's abvious why Cynic is metal. Yea, but their not typical death metal, but that's why they're considered technical/prog death and just traditional death metal.
Sorry, i didn't mean to refer to Atheist as death metal because i have always considered them thrash, i ment to just compare them with the other albums in the sense of them all having an odd theme and fusion with other elements.

But i certainly believe the others are death metal fused with new elements and ideas.

Death is the least "out there" of them but it still threw me off as weird/strange.

For Cynic i find the vocals and guitar tone (especially the rythm) associated with death metal

Pestilence is very much death metal, you must be able to link the guitar with death metal can you not? At least the vocals is undebatable. The drumming isn't as jazzy as Reinert and is still true to Pestilence's past death metal releases.

Cheers for the bands Malignance, get back to ya after i have had a listen.

And yes Nespithe 93' :kickass:
Haha OK sorry but "considering" a band of one genre does not make them that genre. Atheist are progressive death/thrash.

Also calling Nespithe "sort of out there" is like calling Richard Simmons "mildly in favor of romantic and/or sexual relations with other men."
Leiland said:
What are your oppinions on the crazy year of 93
We had some rare gems released like

Cynic - Focus
Atheist - Elements
Pestilence - Spheres
Death - Individual Thought Patterns

What are your thoughts on these albums.
They aren't your typical death metal albums, but it is intriguing that they are all similar in their approach to branch out from generic death metal and add some eccentric ideas.

Was there any other releases like these in 93, or albums with strange concepts like these you could recommend me.
I loved Cynic's album Focus. :kickass:
I know they are all mixed genres, i was just linking them with the death metal part of there genre

Atheist - considered death/thrash/prog/jazz
Death - Death/prog
Pestilence - Death/thrash/fusion
Cynic - Death/Prog/Jazz fusion

I was just agreeing Nespithe is a great album from 93, i left them out of my initial post because i wasn't linking them with all the crap i was talking about with those 4 albums, and you are quoting something i didn't even say? FUCK!
Any body heard Mordicus? I just spun their album Dances From Left, and It's not to bad, still has the weird Finnish death metal feel, but a lot random things though....
swizzlenuts said:
Any body heard Mordicus? I just spun their album Dances From Left, and It's not to bad, still has the weird Finnish death metal feel, but a lot random things though....
Great CD. I haven't listened to it in a long time, for some reason. I need to give it a spin again sometime soon.
since no one responded -

ohiogrinder said:
I just discovered this band Post Mortem after they added me on myspace. pretty good early death/doom. I am downloading Coroner's Office. what does everyone think of them? Dodens, I'm looking at you.
Everyone complains about those "robotic" vocals on Focus. Am I the only one here who actually doesn't mind them and possibly even likes them?
Silencer - "Death...Pierce Me"
Musically, it's mostly depressive black metal with some more traditional black metal riffage. The insane, high-pitched, shrieking vocals are what set this apart.