The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

I've listened to every The Chasm full length tonight, bar the debut which I still can't find, and the new one which I'm in the process of downloading.
Guardian of Darkness said:
I've listened to every The Chasm full length tonight, bar the debut which I still can't find, and the new one which I'm in the process of downloading.

Procreation of The Inner Temple may not be one of The Chasm's strongest effort but it is still worth checking out.
I've been checking out some lesser known old-school Swedish death metal bands.

Crematory - Denial
Crypt of Kerberos - World of Myths
Desultory - Into Eternity
Excruciate - Passage of Life
Uncanny - Splenium for Nyktophobia
Suffer - Structures

Still looking for material by Utumno, Sorcery, Authorize, Epitaph and Morpheus.
Listened to and oceans... - A.M.G.O.D. last night, bloody good album by a very interesting group, also Crowpath - Red on chrome has been getting a few spins lately, there like the antithesis of the swedish DM scene.

On a side note, by computers hard drive got hosed last night and I lost 15gb+ of metal mp3's, which sucks!
xxChaoticManifestoxx said:
and a local Black Metal band called The Furor.
Oi, how do I get a copy of this CD? I spoke to some of the guys from the band ages ago, and I've been meaning to check out their release.
Doomwatcher said:
How are these albums?
Crematory's Denial EP is very similar to early releases by Carnage, Entombed and Grave in particular. Though, had it been a full-length it could've been better than them all. The Desultory bares semblance to all its counterparts but focuses strongly on depression which comes through in the melodies and excellent leads. Structures is quite bland - basically a carbon clone of Dismember and Entombed, even baring the same vocal style. Still, it's worth a listen to you like the two aforementioned. Splenium for Nyktophobia brings nothing new to the table, and is basically very similar to the others albeit a little more melodic(Think Unanimated)in places.

They're all worth while if you enjoy the style.
Decadent said:
Oi, how do I get a copy of this CD? I spoke to some of the guys from the band ages ago, and I've been meaning to check out their release.

I got it when I went to one of their concerts and their CD was being sold for $15. If you get to speak to them again, see if you could get them to ship you a copy or something. They don't have a website to order it from either. *sigh*
They're a rpetty good band, combines death metal drumwork with nihilistic black metal idealogy and guitar riffs.
Is anyone on here sharing The Chasm's upcoming CD on Soulseek? Someone on here that is sharing it already gave me their screenname, but I can't view their files for some reason. I'm fuckin dying to hear the new The Chasm CD. I only have Soulseek, since DC++ does not work for me. Please help me.
Been listening a lot to Armagedda - Ond Spiritism as of late. It's pretty different from the earlier and quite uninteresting Darkthrone worship of theirs, this is slower darker and more variying. I guess you could still call it black metal due to the lyrical content and some song structure but there's not many blast beats and raspy sung vocals rather than growls. Really good stuff anyway