The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

and I'll add Mood, Krux, Tefra, Shepherd, Memory Garden (maybe not so much..), Dawn of Winter.

I'm going to check out several out of your list that I don't know, thanks. I checked out some tracks of Iron Man and I really like them but can't seem to track down any full albums on soulseek...

Edit: On a similar note, I still havn't heard any Wretched. Have you? They have had some worthy names in their lineup... are they worth checking out?

Edit2: and I have to check out Stillborn too...
That's the one. I'm going to keep my eye out for them.

Listening to Spiritus Mortis for the first time, and liking it. I wish I ventured into this style of music sooner...
Unleashed 'across the open sea (song/intrumental) reminds me of the movie 'a nightmare before christmas'.
I think more extreme bands should have clean guitars or acoustic guitars. I'm not saying bands need to go full out like Opeth, but 1 or a few of these on an album really give everything more dimension and diversity, and also a traditional feel. Acoustic guitars can be weird/dark/evil/menacing. The acoustic section on Dissection 'unhallowed' towards the end for example. Sometimes metal music seems to even get more evil with acoustics and clean parts. I like metal to sound like it's coming from nothingness/abyss. Sacrilege has some really sinister acoustics for example. Acoustics and clean guitars really do demenstrate someone's capability and diversity as a musician over a lot of techniques and approaches. If you can't sound good on a clean instrument that demenstrates you are not a good musician. Musicians showing what they sound like without distortion is very nice sometimes.
I think more extreme bands should have clean guitars or acoustic guitars. I'm not saying bands need to go full out like Opeth, but 1 or a few of these on an album really give everything more dimension and diversity, and also a traditional feel. Acoustic guitars can be weird/dark/evil/menacing. The acoustic section on Dissection 'unhallowed' towards the end for example. Sometimes metal music seems to even get more evil with acoustics and clean parts. I like metal to sound like it's coming from nothingness/abyss. Sacrilege has some really sinister acoustics for example. Acoustics and clean guitars really do demenstrate someone's capability and diversity as a musician over a lot of techniques and approaches. If you can't sound good on a clean instrument that demenstrates you are not a good musician. Musicians showing what they sound like without distortion is very nice sometimes.

not so much acoustic parts specifically, but much of metal is sorely lacking in interesting dynamics other than fast/slow and the occasional quiet/loud, and even these are pretty rare

ironically the album i mentioned in my above post is one of the worst culprits of this tendency
I like 'enjoy the violence' more. Massacra seem more focused on getting across ideas.
