The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

This is cosmic doom like no other, old-school riffing, anthemic doom. Touchstones include early 70s bands like May Blitz, Budgie, and the ubiquitous Sabbath; the NWOBHM, and more recent old-schoolers like Paul Chain, Cathedral, Internal Void, and the eternal and endlessly influential Pentagram.

Tunes from their first album:

Tunes from their second album:
In just lent a friend Amon Amarth's last 3 albums plus some Hypocrisy and Borknagar.
In return he gave me a disk with Children of Bodom's last 3 albums and Dream Theater's "Train of Thought".

Is this stuff worth my time?
I already own "Hatebreeder" but I only give it occasional attention. As for "Train of Thought" I heard that it's their heaviest so I'll give it a chance, not expecting any surprises though.
I just gave up listening to Dream Theater's "Train of Thought". The vocals weren't as gay as I anticipated but it was all ruined when he started rapping like Eminem. The first song was good but the rest of the album was unlistenable. Too much wankery and prog-nobbing for me to take. I respect the talent these guys wield but this band is not for me.

Back to extreme metal I go.

np: Panzer Division Marduk!!!!