The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

I just gave up listening to Dream Theater's "Train of Thought". The vocals weren't as gay as I anticipated but it was all ruined when he started rapping like Eminem. The first song was good but the rest of the album was unlistenable. Too much wankery and prog-nobbing for me to take. I respect the talent these guys wield but this band is not for me.

Back to extreme metal I go.

np: Panzer Division Marduk!!!!
I have the exact same view on Dream Theater; I can tell that they are great musicians, but I can't stand their music.
I'm in a mood for heavy metal. Manilla Road, Satan, Pagan Altar, Cirith Ungol, Pentagram... these bands are fucking great!
I just gave up listening to Dream Theater's "Train of Thought". The vocals weren't as gay as I anticipated but it was all ruined when he started rapping like Eminem. The first song was good but the rest of the album was unlistenable. Too much wankery and prog-nobbing for me to take. I respect the talent these guys wield but this band is not for me.

Back to extreme metal I go.

np: Panzer Division Marduk!!!!
The only Dream Theater cd I like any more is Awake. I haven't listened to all of their cds, but that one supposedly has the least amount of wankery.
I can't stand Train of Thought...that and Falling Into Infinity were their worst cds. But Train of Thought was just during that whole identity crisis stage (with 6DoiT).

awake is pretty darn good. It's a tossup between Awake and Octavarium in terms of least amount of wankage
hey, the vocals from Ski in the band Deadly Blessing annoy anyone else besides me? The music is fucking great but sometimes the vocals just go a little too over the top

trouble, pentagram, saint vitus, candlemass, heathen, at the gates, accept, and slough feg have been taking up my time for the past two weeks :>
I need more doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom! suggestions plz.