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Unanimated 'ancient god of evil'. classic

One of the best extreme metal albums ever.
...except that they are wonderful songwriters.

How so? They seem to follow a standard verse-chorus structure or at least close to it with lots of unimaginative guitar and keyboard doodling in between... in other words, nothing special.
How so? They seem to follow a standard verse-chorus structure or at least close to it with lots of unimaginative guitar and keyboard doodling in between... in other words, nothing special.

You say "They seem to..."; does that mean you haven't really taken the time to listen? And in reality, they don't really follow a standard structure. Some of their songs exhibit this quality, but for the most part, there's no formula for their songs.
You say "They seem to..."; does that mean you haven't really taken the time to listen? And in reality, they don't really follow a standard structure. Some of their songs exhibit this quality, but for the most part, there's no formula for their songs.

That was said because I haven't listened to them in forever, and for good reason :heh: . But I know for a fact that their songwriting style has a very rockish and poppish vibe to it, meaning that that the verse/chorus is often repeated. And like I said, the guitar solo/keyboard sections are filled in between and make the structures appear diverse, yes, but there is nothing really integral or necessary about them; they just seem like mere superfluous musical add-ons. Isn't this typical approach to songwriting even more evident on their latest release?
The vocals for Gods Tower fit their music perfectly. I just put on The Eerie and it's about 100 times better than I remember. Fuck this band rules.
I've heard they're somewhat similar to Eucharist. I need to check them out

I think Unanimated are more extreme and darkened than eucharist, they are a death metal band that is very much influenced by black metal and also have some usage of keyboards(not in a symphonic way), and almost a rockish vibe. I would say 'ancient god of evil' is like a mix between maybe Dissection and Iron Maiden.
what style is it? i thought / assumed gothic rock, in which case it is very unlikely that ill enjoy it. name something similar to it, that you think I may have heard.

It is fairly original, to the point that I know very little like it. I guess, think Agalloch without the folk and occasional post-rock influences and place it in an atmospheric prog metal context.

I guess, Green Carnation MAY also be a decent comparison but not really.
Not Gothrock though, that started after A Deeper Kind Of Slumber.

I could also draw comparisons to Noekk

Also perhaps Katatonia's earlier works made with less death influence, maybe.