The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Hvis Lyset Tar Oss- I am still trying to "get" this album. I don't think it's bad or anything I am just still trying to figure out what makes it so great. I prefer the self titled Burzum. Without saying " omg you don't l0ve it you teh fucking r3tard" can some one point out what it is about this album you love?
Hvis Lyset Tar Oss- I am still trying to "get" this album. I don't think it's bad or anything I am just still trying to figure out what makes it so great. I prefer the self titled Burzum. Without saying " omg you don't l0ve it you teh fucking r3tard" can some one point out what it is about this album you love?

It has a unique way of adding subtle layers of sound on top of each other to a dramatic wall of sound. Track 3, for example, notice that it begins with a repetitive "rocking" riff (sorry that description sucks, but couldn't think of anything else), after a few seconds, blastbeats come in, a few seconds later, more subtle guitar phrases come in, then the screaming, then as the song continues to progress, it transitions to a sort of ambient guitar-driven section which ends with a wonderful lead... all this happening in a very dramatic way (at least to these ears). On repeated listens, you may notice sounds/changes in the songs that you didn't before, and I think that is precisely what makes "Hvis..." intriguing (along with the atmospehere). I will agree that this album is pretty damn inaccessible, especially if you compare it to previous efforts.
Let me rephrase:

Satyricon is the epitome of 90's black metal, IMO.

Happy? I realize there are others, but they happen to be my favorite.

There are a myriad of bands that could fit that title with a strong argument. Emperor, Darkthrone, Satyricon, Mayhem. All masters of the genre with each having equal claim to the epitomical title.
Mayhem have one really good black metal cd. I can't see how they're masters in a genre.
There are a myriad of bands that could fit that title with a strong argument. Emperor, Darkthrone, Satyricon, Mayhem. All masters of the genre with each having equal claim to the epitomical title.

As far as overall discography goes, I think Emperor holds the title, though. Mayhem is decent but not the best, I'd say. Same with Darkthrone, though they have a better shot than Mayhem.
Depends on whether you define the epitome as an album or the band in retrospect. Hatebreeder was calling Dark Medieval Times and Nemesis Divina the epitome of black metal but also took that to declare the band itself the epitome.

So a band releases one quintessential album, does that make the band itself quintessential? Or do you honor the band that has epitomized itself with a series of albums that separately are not as quintessential.
It has a unique way of adding subtle layers of sound on top of each other to a dramatic wall of sound. Track 3, for example, notice that it begins with a repetitive "rocking" riff (sorry that description sucks, but couldn't think of anything else), after a few seconds, blastbeats come in, a few seconds later, more subtle guitar phrases come in, then the screaming, then as the song continues to progress, it transitions to a sort of ambient guitar-driven section which ends with a wonderful lead... all this happening in a very dramatic way (at least to these ears). On repeated listens, you may notice sounds/changes in the songs that you didn't before, and I think that is precisely what makes "Hvis..." intriguing (along with the atmospehere). I will agree that this album is pretty damn inaccessible, especially if you compare it to previous efforts.

I need to listen to it more. I will listen for the things you mentioned.
OK my assessment of Summoning's Minas Morgul and Dol Guldur shows Minas Morgul as being a far superior album. Faster, more dynamic drumming, shorter songs, and less boredom, more black metal. Based on this assessment I am inclined to go backwards and pick up Lugburz, so some tips on that album would be helpful.

Now I found Dol Guldur to be more drawn out and somewhat monotonous. Does this trend continue on later albums or does the black metal reemerge on albums like Stronghold or Oath Bound?