The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

I get banned all the time having no idea why. I guess the site has some nerds that get a power trip going by rules and regulations of the site. All someone wants to do is here some songs to see if they want to own an album. It's really a simple concept and banning someone because you don't like how they organize files,etc... is pretty redundant. I had someone ban me because I did not have brutal death metal(not kidding).
I get banned for no reason all the time. It sucks. I never bother to message the user and ask why they banned me, though. Maybe I should.

I managed to check out the latest Repungnant CD. It's killer.
Decadent i love you for that Goat Molestor / Necros Christos split. It's awesome, i'm gonna blast it all night long at work.
I just listened to Dismember's Like An Ever Flowing Stream for the first time the other day. Does anybody else find this to be a very mediocre album? I didn't really find anything special about it.
Nah it's great, imo. The noisy production and vocals may take a while to get used, too though. On first listen it sounds like utter crap, but it gets better with time. Up there with Seance's Saltrubbed Eyes(which I also started to appreciate lately ) as one of the better Swedish DM records
The production and vocals don't bother me the music just seems, well...bland. It's an ok album I just think it isn't as memorable as some of the other classic swedish death metal albums.
Does anyone else find Massacra grossly overrated, at least around these parts? I've grown tired of Final Holocaust and Enjoy the Violence isn't alll that good either.