The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

MKC has a cool cover and all...but it's just not really memorable. DM is more memorable, even though MKC has a few better songs. Oh well.
Another album which suffers from the problem of being drawn out is Cacass' Necroticism. It's sesentially a riff-fest, that's somewhat lacking in coherence and it gets tiresome sometimes to listen to it in one sitting but strangely enogh I still enjoy it more than either Massacra. Ah, crunchy goodness:kickass:
Oh, and Revenant demolish Massacra of course. Supreme death/thrash. Sorry for the agressive tone. I'm not in my best of moods today

What in the name of Mary fucking fuck ? A riff-fest, yes, but drawn out ? Eight songs of utter godliness and not a filler among them ? enough variation to keep the most hardened of ADHD kids happy, more good riffs than the entire weight of post 2000 death metal releases, and played more often than any other musical item in my entire life.

Please, feel free to bum my mum, but do not, I repeat, do not, criticise Necroticism. I may have to call a Carcassian-esque Jihad. :heh:
MKC has a cool cover and all...but it's just not really memorable. DM is more memorable, even though MKC has a few better songs. Oh well.

I think you underestimate just how cool the cover art is... It's a GIANT STOMPY KILLING THINGY... think about it, it really doesn't get better than that. and if there's one thing I've learnt over the years, it's that cover art is more important than music.
It's cool unless you played the original FASA board game Battletech. Which, despite the giant robots was really a series of walking fridges, and about as exciting to play.
What I've been listening to lately
SeeqPod Music (beta)
Slayer - Raining Blood
Sepultura - Roots Bloody Roots
Anthrax - Metal Thrashing Mad
Celtic Frost - Ground
Iron Maiden - 2 Minutes To Midnight
Ozzy Osbourne - Bark At The Moon
The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary
Megadeth - Symphony Of Destruction
Pantera - Walk
Motley Crue - Dr. Feelgood
Megadeth - (Live) Peace Sells
What in the name of Mary fucking fuck ? A riff-fest, yes, but drawn out ? Eight songs of utter godliness and not a filler among them ? enough variation to keep the most hardened of ADHD kids happy, more good riffs than the entire weight of post 2000 death metal releases, and played more often than any other musical item in my entire life.

Please, feel free to bum my mum, but do not, I repeat, do not, criticise Necroticism. I may have to call a Carcassian-esque Jihad. :heh:

Figured you'd react this way:lol:I won't get into an argument over this. Still I prefer my death metal with atmosphere(which is what you probably associate with tedium:p ), so Necroticism isn't very high on my favorites list, but it's a damn good album anyway.
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Figured you'd react this way:lol:I won't get into an argument over this. Still I prefer my death metal with atmosphere(which is what you probably associate with tedium:p ), so Necroticism isn't very high on my favorites list, but it's a damn good album anyway.

Oh no mate, if you peruse my previous arguments over DM, I'm also an atmosphere over technicality kind of guy. Necroticism oozes atmosphere for me - particularly in such awesome tracks as Forensic Clinicism, but hey, no worries mate - I was only joshing. Not everyone can worship at the Necroticisim altar.

I myself am a Morbid Angel heretic (sic), preferring, as I do, the post David Vicent era. Here's to atmosphere! :kickass: Scream Bloody Gore > Human :kickass:
You also hate Mithras extremely irrationally. Perhaps if you rethink your Mithras hate, I will rethink why I believe Necroticism is vastly overrated. :p
You also hate Mithras extremely irrationally. Perhaps if you rethink your Mithras hate, I will rethink why I believe Necroticism is vastly overrated. :p

Mate, I think if I smoked loads of very strong pot, I might find the "spacey" atmosphere of Worlds Beyond the Veil interesting. As it is, I find it 3rd division DM padded out with the Casio "fill-in" button. Sorry...
Yes and no.

Electric Wizard isn't better than Sabbath, I just prefer them to Sabbath, however Belenos is better than Burzum.

huh? You like a band more than a band you know to be better ? Please elucidate. It's OK to say you don't like Sabbath that much - no one is going to call you a cum guzzling fag. (Legal note: this does not include any subsequent rants by The Greys).
huh? You like a band more than a band you know to be better ? Please elucidate. It's OK to say you don't like Sabbath that much - no one is going to call you a cum guzzling fag. (Legal note: this does not include any subsequent rants by The Greys).

I don't know honestly, I like Sabbath and I know on the whole they are better musicians (Rob Al-Issa being the exception, as I find him to be a better bassist than Butler) but something about the music of Electric Wizard makes me like them more.