The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Alright, I wasn't sure if you did vocals or not. That's cool that you can do drums. I do all the instruments for my band, but I'm terrible at drums.
I fucking love french bm more than ever...
Just check out these fantastic releases(few of them):
Peste Noire - Macabre Transcendance (finally listened to it... absolutely brilliant, i must be drunk or something because this is better than anything i have ever heard... in terms of black metal)
Peste Noire - La Sanie des Siecles
Mutiilation - Remains of a Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul
Deathspell Omega - SMRC
Belenos - Spicilege
Vlad Tepes/Belketre (split) - March to the Black Holocaust

.. guys listen to "Macabre Transcendance", it's amazing.
I understand how language works, pop vs soda is just a silly little "war" overhere in the US, each region having its own version of how it is said and none willing to accept the other being right.

It isn't such a serious matter to say I don't understand how language works. I know it varies region to region and does evolve, but I just like to have a little fun with this cultural fight :D

Dude, faggots say pop. Over here its soda.

Some people call it tonic over here too, which is pretty gay. Speaking of soda, has anyone ever had Moxie? It is one of the oldest soda companies, dating back to the 1800's. It is like hard liquor, if hard liquor was soda. It is so strong you could take it in shots :lol:

it is awful
It only just struck me how much of a BM looking cover Cypress Hill's Temples of Boom is.