Proceed to Ultraslamming
Oh man I agree with you. I hate when people do that. That's just my opinion though/Well no fuckin' shit it is my opinion.
Do people have this INCREDIBLE UNDENIABLE urge to be a jackass and say "Well that is just your opinion"?
I swear ... fuck I will hurt the next person that says that, because it is OBVIOUSLY my opinion and that DOES NOT need to be stated.
I'm not sure if you wrote cookiecutter on purpose, but it made me smile. I'm not as willing to throw the California BDM under the bus as much as you, but I do agree, that scene has the most potential to get boring (VileSome brutal death metal is good, but a lot of it is cookie cutter crap, particularly the California/Unique Leader shit. But there are a lot of genres with a lot of crap bands.
Oh and whoever recommended Devourment, I (of course) agree.