There are plenty of people who frequently read along to the lyrics. Obviously not while driving though, you fucking idiot. Is this idea really so revolutionary to you? It's been done for decades.
I frequently read along to lyrics, until I know them...
I could throw around mindless thoughts also, so, tell me do you know anyone personally that does this, and please do not make up names. Honestly, my whole point was that lyrics make up maybe 5% of the importance in a metal song if not less, and people who won't listen to a band because of "christian lyrics" or "non-death" lyrics are retarded, sort of like the people who won't listen to some "white" BM bands because it has some christian lyrics or some shit, honestly your lucky if you understand 10% of what they say.
I could throw around mindless thoughts also,
so, tell me do you know anyone personally that does this, and please do not make up names.
Honestly, my whole point was that lyrics make up maybe 5% of the importance in a metal song if not less,
and people who won't listen to a band because of "christian lyrics" or "non-death" lyrics are retarded, sort of like the people who won't listen to some "white" BM bands because it has some christian lyrics or some shit, honestly your lucky if you understand 10% of what they say.
Honestly, my whole point was that lyrics make up maybe 5% of the importance in a metal song if not less
and people who won't listen to a band because of "christian lyrics" or "non-death" lyrics are retarded, sort of like the people who won't listen to some "white" BM bands because it has some christian lyrics or some shit, honestly your lucky if you understand 10% of what they say.
disarmoni needs to pretty much stop *talking
disarmoni needs to pretty much stop talking