The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

You are not going to find much black metal like Dissection. They are essentially a fusion of Black Metal and Melodic Death.

Their first two albums are absolute perfection. There are very few other albums that stand up to them.

They essentially created the genre of melodic black metal, which most bands of today are shitty. Good luck finding anything like them.
albums im currently enjoying


aeon (SWE) - ep
Demonoid - riders of the apocalypse
evocation - tales from the tomb
Hate - Awakening of the liar/Anaclasis
internecine- book of lambs
Laethora - March of the parasite
Demiurg - Breath of Demiurg
Trauma - Neurotic Mass
I just recently listened to Falkenbach's ...En Their Medh Riki Fara... and it's great. For fans of melodic black[no gay keyboards, mind. Just melodic guitar] who don't mind light folk instruments on some of the tracks.
I just recently listened to Falkenbach's ...En Their Medh Riki Fara... and it's great. For fans of melodic black[no gay keyboards, mind. Just melodic guitar] who don't mind light folk instruments on some of the tracks.

I got two words for you...... err, no, actually one word.... HEATHENPRIDE!
I just recently listened to Falkenbach's ...En Their Medh Riki Fara... and it's great. For fans of melodic black[no gay keyboards, mind. Just melodic guitar] who don't mind light folk instruments on some of the tracks.

im pretty sure those "light folk instruments" are in fact keyboards
Grotesque destroys At The Gates. I have always thought this, but with all the ATG fanboys you might aswell shut your mouth.
I used to think that back when ATG's The Red in the Sky is Ours sounded like half-assed mess to me but now I can't stop listening to it and I must say from a musical/compositional standpoint it's a lot more interesting than In the Embrace of Evil.
TRiTSiO is still an imperfect album, though(the 6th and 9th tracks are kinda meh).
Vital Remains... I'm listening to the new album and find it almost intolerable. 8-10 minute songs of blasting death and a million solos but it's all a bit hard to digest. Am I missing something? It's well played but I get the feeling they are kinda like the Children of Bodom of death metal.
Dechristianized sucked, and the new one sounds to be more of the same, so I doubt you're missing anything.
No hint of anything from their website.

But with a new album, maybe they can finally tour the US :kickass: .

It's strange, because on another forum I made a thread about how much of a kickass year 07 has been for metal and such, and what new albums are coming out. The thread was filled with Bolt Thrower. Somebody said something about a new album in October. I was confused since I couldn't find any info either.