The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

For those of us who aren't chuckie cheaters and haven't pirated the new Behemoth, they put a free track up on, titled "Prometherion".

I must say, this track rocks! The Eastern influences really shine mid-way through the song, and I think Behemoth have really grown strong through this musical theme.
I'm enjoying the new Tearstained album Homicidal Tendencies, but is this guy a nazi? Check out the lyrics to Social Parasitism.


"Everyday I see the spread
of my pals culture in America
Spreading like a slow disease
Embracing youth like a slave

Their ghettos littered with garbage and trash
Spraypainted streetcorners and barred windows
A generation of pimps, hoods and thieves
my pals or wiggers, both breed like rats

Their culture of thievery and crack
Taking and using and leeching the system

Welfare breeders and streetcorner trash
The only race to sell it's own as slaves
Squash every opportunity, expecting endless charity
I had nothing to do with their ancestor's slavery

Their culture of thievery and crack
Taking and using and leeching the system

The spread of my pals culture
Deteriorates from within
Our cities are polluted with
Human beings not worthy of life

The early slavetraders were African
Selling their own race to Europeans
They kill each other one by one
A confused race with no direction

my pals breed relentlessly
Rats of our soceity"

is pretty fucking unequivocal dont you think
He's not a Nazi, he's a racist.

Trivia: the original title of the song was The Spread Of my pals Culture, but because it's pressed in Germany, that title wasn't allowed.
Fucking Sthygma rules. Death metal coming from France with all sorts of influences. It combines everything dark and brooding with odd time signatures rumbling through the songs, creating an eerie/odd atmosphere. The vocals are spot on with a bit of strain and full of emotion.
Fucking Sthygma rules. Death metal coming from France with all sorts of influences. It combines everything dark and brooding with odd time signatures rumbling through the songs, creating an eerie/odd atmosphere. The vocals are spot on with a bit of strain and full of emotion.

Could you upload me a track, and then point out where to buy it.
I can upload a track when I get off of work, but I have no idea where to buy it. I've half-assly looked for it though. I'll probably contact the band soon.
This will cause some of the elitists to raise an eyebrow, but I really enjoy the new CD by Man Must Die. Save for the few and far between metalcore-ish moments, it is pure brutal melodeath at its best.
Anyone here heard Beyond the Sixth Seal? For some reason I'd been avoiding this band, but I read a couple reviews of their latest album just now and decided to check it out. Not bad at all. They call themselves melodic death metal... but there's a definite influence of good old fashioned heavy metal in there to. Worth a listen I'd say (if you're TO BRVTAL... don't bother :Smug:).

Fucking Sthygma rules. Death metal coming from France with all sorts of influences. It combines everything dark and brooding with odd time signatures rumbling through the songs, creating an eerie/odd atmosphere. The vocals are spot on with a bit of strain and full of emotion.

Sounds good. Will check them out.