The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Anyways, staples of my playlist as of late include:

Nazgul (the Sicilian one, as opposed to the Spanish one)
Lunar Aurora
Nocturnal Depression
Anti (excellent suicidal black metal)
West Wall (melodic NSDM not unlike Arghoslent)
Primordial (as always)
Deathspell Omega (SMRC)

heh almost all black metal, and it seems most of these bands are pretty well liked on here.
I've been listening to Twilightfall by Nokturnal Mortum alot lately. It leans a little more towards Melodic Death Metal than Black Metal but it's definitely a solid release that doesn't seem to be talked about all that much.
I finally got my first listen of Summoning's Oath Bound last night. It sounded a lot like LMHSYF but drawn out into 8-12 minute songs. There weren't many surprises, but it was different enough to show that the band has not stagnated. Another excellent album from Summoning, even if it's a year late to acknowledge this.

That song in the Orc language could have used some guitars, though, since the guitar tone on this album is a lot cleaner sounding than the lo-fi production of the past.
Yeah, Oath Bound uses predominantly arpeggio style rather than the staccato adopted on the last two albums.
Yes I noticed a difference right away since I listened to a couple earlier songs afterwards to compare, among them the tremolo-picked "Lugburz" (song).

Who does the clean singing on this album (and "Farewell" from the previous)?
The chants? It's both Protector and Silenius, and I think maybe a few other people, tracked multiple times.
I thought so. It seems to be two distinct tracks. One bass voice with a baritone singing an octave higher above it. The chants are great, but I wish they could bring back the lady who sings on Stronghold. "Where Hope and Daylight Die" is one of my favorite Summoning songs.