The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

and also Woods of Infinity. a big fuck you goes out to Decadent for that little gem of moral cleanliness. for some reason i get the feeling V. will have something interesting to tell us all about this one...
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Man people just expect way too much out of CBT. They're terrible but fun to listen to. It's not like they're serious at all, they're just having a good time, and I fully admire that, damnit! But that doesn't mean I hate people who care about their art. I wouldn't listen to half the shit I do if I thought that!

GoD, listen to Catasexual Urge Motivation. Goregrind I think you'd like. Definitely has that weird spatial guitar tone bass-heavy thickness feeling with a weird drum machine sound, and the vocals are pretty distant and stuff. It's also a one man band, with lyrics basically SOLELY about serial killers complete with long-winded, pretentious song titles!

Catasexual Urge Motivation rules. The Diary of Serial Murders (or whatever it is called) is a great album. The band he/they turned into, however, Vampiric Motives, is not so good. Basically a watered down version of the same thing. Or, was that CSSO that turned into Vampiric Motives? Can't remember. Either way, they do a great cover of an Impetigo song on the Wizards of Gore tribute, but when I got their full length album, I was disappointed.

As for CBT, everyone should check out thier split with Disgorge (mex). The CBT side is pretty good, but the real pleasure is the Disgorge side. Probably some of the thickest, heaviest, and most vicious goregrind ever. Plus a great Grave cover.

Gory Elephant said:
Catasexual Urge Motivation rules. The Diary of Serial Murders (or whatever it is called) is a great album. The band he/they turned into, however, Vampiric Motives, is not so good. Basically a watered down version of the same thing. Or, was that CSSO that turned into Vampiric Motives? Can't remember. Either way, they do a great cover of an Impetigo song on the Wizards of Gore tribute, but when I got their full length album, I was disappointed.

As for CBT, everyone should check out thier split with Disgorge (mex). The CBT side is pretty good, but the real pleasure is the Disgorge side. Probably some of the thickest, heaviest, and most vicious goregrind ever. Plus a great Grave cover.


The Encyclopedia Of Serial Murders. And you were right, it is C.U.M. who changed the (his?) name to Vampiric Motives.
[X] said:
Destroyer666's Cold Steel album is good. What are the good albums from this list? I need something new

I'm enjoying the Algor, Esoteric, Gontyna Kry, Hail and Nortt, but I haven't listened at all to some in the list.
I find Domination to be realy, realy weak in comparison to their earlier stuff.

Morbid_Corpse said:
can someone tell me about Dissection are they good, I have heard one song and they seemed pretty fuckin rad, and whats the deal with the singer...?
Jon was in jail. He got out this year. Get "Storm of the Light's Bane" and "The Somberlain".
Morbid_Corpse said:
back that up.
Uhhh...just listen to the new sample song. And I've heard rumors about the new album bringing back elements of The Gallery into the electronic sound of Damage Done.

Which, quite simply, melts my brain with happiness.
What's everyone's opinion on Rob Draken's side-project Lord Wind? I've read from various descriptions that it's neo-classical ambient with traces of Graveland's epic BM sound.