OK Alter I gave your precious Avsolutized album a spin. I was disappointed by there being only two original real songs, but each of them were excellent, especially the final track. However, the best part of the album was the Setherial cover. I look forward to the rewards of subsequent listens.
I own Dirt, actually (it was a blind buy). I like a couple songs, but just can't get into it. It's possible I just need a few more listens.Harsh.Alice in Chains were great. WAIF, what albums/songs have you checked out? Personally-and I know this is cliched, but-I think that Dirt is their best album. If you haven't heard the whole thing, definitely try and borrow it from a friend or something.
TBH if I got upset every time you called me a faggot I'd be an emo kid by now.I was drunk