The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

^You can't be serious.:Smug:

I sure can, chump. :Smug:

vihris-gari said:
Cause their melodies are fucking incredible?

What makes them that much more hilarious than any other black metal band anyway? The whole genre's quite laughable.

Dimmu Borgir is pompous, overblown, intolerably corny, shallow faggothic garbage masquerading as some kind of serious music (omfg they haev a orchesrta!). There is just no way anybody with taste can take this band seriously. However the rest of the black metal genre appears to you is irrelevant.
Dimmu Borgir is pompous, overblown, intolerably corny, shallow faggothic garbage masquerading as some kind of serious music (omfg they haev a orchesrta!). There is just no way anybody with taste can take this band seriously. However the rest of the black metal genre appears to you is irrelevant.

most metal can be criticized with one or more of the terms you've slung at dimmu there...
frankly i find dimmu to be a highly entertaining group who have made some great albums (enthrone, stormblast and spiritual remain favs to this day).
I thought Cythraul was going to say that Dimmu Borgir were single-handedly responsible for the artistic death of black metal as a genre with the release of their commercially successful Enthrone Darkness Triumphant, thus showing other bands how to write accessible music for the masses under the black metal tag.

In other words, the purists' standpoint on music as art: instantly accessible music in any genre is generally worthless. For it is more music that pleases the ears rather than feeds the mind and soul. I guess that's pretty much it.

[/pseudo elitism]

Mind you, I don't subscribe to this way of thinking, that was just something to keep in mind when debating music with elitists.
Just because he's typing in lower case doesn't mean he's trolling.

Let's just face it, Dimmu Borgir sucks on all grounds, chiefly musical grounds. And image, lyrics, etc., DO matter. Or rather, can matter, depending on the values of the person in mind. And if you say "well you're stupid if you think image is important," then please just shut up for being ignorant and not understanding.
Because you are approaching the band in an ignorant way, that is why you think they suck, but if you approach the band in an open-minded state, i think you'll enjoy their music.