Tyrants and Slaves
Their role as a gateway band would make up for that offense. Black Metal bands would struggle to survive if it weren't for the worldwide support of fans, many of whom got into the genre through Dimmu Borgir.
The way I see it, the reason why Dimmu Borgir are so disliked is because the managed to piss off true BM fans by popularizing one of the most inaccessible genres in extreme metal, turning it into something shallow that anyone with tolerance for extreme vocals can pick up and enjoy.
You criticize their image and presentation and then you claim it's irrelevant. I accept your surrender.
I'm not into Dimmu Borgir but in terms of Black Metal they're some of the best musicians in the genre.
I thought Cythraul was going to say that Dimmu Borgir were single-handedly responsible for the artistic death of black metal as a genre with the release of their commercially successful Enthrone Darkness Triumphant, thus showing other bands how to write accessible music for the masses under the black metal tag.
In other words, the purists' standpoint on music as art: instantly accessible music in any genre is generally worthless. For it is more music that pleases the ears rather than feeds the mind and soul. I guess that's pretty much it.
No, you prove me wrong. I think Hellhammer is the only member of the band who's actually an exceptional instrumentalist.
I thought Cythraul was going to say that Dimmu Borgir were single-handedly responsible for the artistic death of black metal as a genre with the release of their commercially successful Enthrone Darkness Triumphant, thus showing other bands how to write accessible music for the masses under the black metal tag.
I think Hellhammer is the only member of the band who's actually an exceptional instrumentalist.
Most Dimmu Borgir songs that I've heard only use a few chords.
That "Dimmu Borgir are the "Beatles" of BM"" simile is interesting.(Come together right now, oh yea in sweet diabolical orgy. :zombieSome people say that's what the Beatles did for music genres like folk and psychedelia, which were more or less underground phenomena before they incorporated them into their style. Would that make Dimmu the 'Beatles of black metal'?
Anyway, I don't see Dimmu as being artistically vapid just because they're accessible. I find a lot of fascinating moods in their music through their riffs and their use of keyboards. Take the psychotic, carnival-esque mood that prevails in SBD. How many albums out there can you really hear a sound like that on?
Still, if you can't manage to find any artistic depth in their music, it still says something that they have a lot of catchy, rhythmically-strong music. As mentioned earlier, nobody (in their right mind) knocks Iron Maiden or Judas Priest for having a catchy, easily-digestible sound.