The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

The screams are crap. Otherwise, I dig it. Sounds like something left off Genesis. A bit worse in terms of structure.

What the fuck? This comes out on my birthday. Thanks, guys.
I enjoy Genesis a lot, but I'm always tentative about liking them as a band because they have a huge fan base of deathcore scene kids around here.
Krisiun's The Conquerors of Armageddon is badass. Sounds to me somewhat like some Angelcorpse stuff I've heard, but I'm not at all well versed in this style. I really dig the harmonized guitar riffs; a neat touch that turns what would normally be brutal but pointless blast-riffing into brutal and awesome blast-riffing. Good vocals. I like this sorta dark, satanic death metal with a somewhat black metal aesthetic.

What else should I get from Krisiun and what else should I get from other dudes?
I always like in flames. their music pattern, guitar harmonizing, tune attract me most. i also like Dio. Ans also Mark Knofler very much.
Metal Kings - Heavy Metal Gäys

but have gotten tired of it know, listend 50times or so :p
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I don't hate Epica like I did when I first heard them. They are ok in moderation, if I'm in the mood.

Somebody will make reference to some strange activity no doubt. Like gnome molesting.