The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Hey guys, I've translated my review of the Teitanblood cd and I'd like to know what to do better or shit.

And here’s another morbid insanity, a pile of satan’s faeces of chaos. Alongside goes the continuous lament and complaint – nobody will distribute this in my homeland. And yeah, who would – Obscene? Naga, Shindy? Nah’, all of them can shit on these black/death (relative) obscurities from five feet high, maybe because only a bunch of people here cares about those. I’m already ordering the oldchoolness in an Excoriate CD form I’ve praised last time (CZ) at Kneel before the Master’s Throne, but even that seemingly kvlt enough EU distro doesn’t ship Teitanblood. Yet they have their poster. So yeah, this is how the first Teitanblood full – length cd gets in the queue of albums I need to buy somehow in the hopefully near future.
Teitanblood are from Madrid, Spain (which propably wouldn’t come to mind after hearing it) and they play a black/death with a high injection of evil and not-so-pointless morbidity the satan way. They’re two and quite anonymous, a drummer and a jack-of-all-trades for everything else, who also did some vocals for Ofermod in past, but I really don’t know which and when, and I don’t consider that any important to be honest. What they’ve released before are two splits - with Proclamation and ****ing Necros Christos (this great German band should be releasing second album later this year). The Teitanblood split and demos era was closed by releasing a compilation on Nuclear Winter.
With this data/blabbering I’m naturally trying to get to Seven Chalices, which I’m propably only going to recommend. I do this almost everytime, because I’d rather like to explain love to something than finding why some music I have no feeling to is shit. This album is vehement. It has almost an hour and there are intros throughout the whole thing, but I wouldn’t call it a bad thing in this - rare – case. In the flow of things, it’s not a minus. Intros are not awkward or amateurishly stupid, almost all of them are the exact opposite. Especially the first track called „Whore Mass“ - that is a mighty cumulation of all the evil atmosphere you can possibly gather and fit in that amount of time. It throws you into some sort of cathedral (underground, most propably), where there are some satanic whores drinking semen from those bronze chalices with gems all over, shouting some religious verses in latin. Yes, all of this really happens on the record. Then a mediumly mulish guitar riff comes and stays until the end of the intro track. Still kind of introid, yet revealing some facts about the upcoming mayhem. Primarily letting you hear the muddy production of guitars, which becomes almost unintelligible in actual full songs. It doesn’t sound too good while this riff goes on, but then you get used to it very fast when the train of drums and whole band (!) comes and smashes your head. It’s like drowning in a swamp, which may possibly be faeces, but you couldn’t really say because you can’t breathe. Yet you can hear every instrument well enough and nothing is too much in the mix - the drums especially have a great sound, each one.
The song doesn’t start too fast, but it’s not like we wouldn’t get fed with fast tempos on the album. It’s just the calm beginning, being rather atmospheric and very heavy sounding than furious. As for the structiure of the songs, the roundlet is a well-balanced one. Every song somewhat contains everything one would possibly want to hear on a cd like this, yet it seems so morbidly chaotic. I’ve been thinking what makes it so, and few things come to mind. First off, it’s the vocals. In the thick mud of drums and guitar there are voices, which range somewhere between yawning, whispering and dying (on a sound scale – pretty cool). They are a bit predelayed and reverbed to sound like dying satan’s words in church, being dual or more most of the time, so sometimes there are two voices shouting lyrics in „unisono“, while third one spits and grunts to give the song the true taste of hell and obscenity.
Another thing fanatically raping the unholy wall of sound is the guitar solos. They don’t make any musical sense, other than the absolute whimpering fury. It’s like if the guy played with a knife and the guitar was actually a living being, bleeding and asking devil for the last chance of any help while being mutilated.
„Qliphotic Necromancy“ is possibly the worst interlude, bucause seriously, every second metal band uses the deep man voice put on that-so-overused reverb and put down to the bass frequencies (to evoke some feeling of wisdom being said?). It actually becomes quite silly in the year of 2009. Then the last two tracks come, both have around nine minutes (with another interlude between, being some monk singing a mass or something). The last track ends with a desperate shouting while all the instruments go crazy being the grand finale of everything. Truly a massive experience.
It took me few listens though to realise that this cd is not a boring one at all, perhaps it just requires a special mood for it, which comes more and more often after every listen. It’s a candidate for an album of the year for me. Second so far is possibly the Excoriate disc, while I’m still eagarly awaiting the coming of first Ignivomous and second efforts from necros Christos and a doom/rock Seamount.
Favourite Metal Bands at this point in time :kickass:
In The Woods
Green Carnation

Non Metal :goggly:
Explosions in the Sky
Porcupine Tree

Speaking of Porcupine Tree, I cannot wait for their latest album
Im actually starting to come around on Opeth. I mean, Morningrise is one of my all time favourites, but anything after that release I hated for the longest time. Though, I'm currently enjoying Still Life, which is a huge change.
Sonata Arctica
Beyond Serenity
Diablo Swing Orchestra

Massive Attack
Snow Patrol
The Organ