The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

New to the forum..

Been in kind of a "chick metal" mood lately, so i've been listening to stuff like Nightwish,Unsun,The Agonist and such.
Anyone know of any other metal bands with great female vocals?
I think I'm like the only person who doesn't really like it. Production kills it. Way too overbearing and loud.

Einherjar; Fatima Hill is fucking awesome. I own both of their CDs...great band.
Lacuna Coil (any).
Leaves' Eyes -lovelorn.
Theatre of Tragedy (old).
Within Temptation -the heart of everything,enter.
^Theatre of Tragedy rules. 'And When He Falleth' and 'Black As The Devil Painteth' are fantastic tunes.

Now...Krisiun, Candlebox, alotta bm though. Nothing's come to my attention lately. Someone rec a random, phenomenal bm album for me to try!
^Theatre of Tragedy rules. 'And When He Falleth' and 'Black As The Devil Painteth' are fantastic tunes.

Now...Krisiun, Candlebox, alotta bm though. Nothing's come to my attention lately. Someone rec a random, phenomenal bm album for me to try!

Have you ever listened to Vesania? If not, I think you would like them. I was tempted to post them in your request for modern, evil death metal in the Band Recommendations Forum; but I chose not to simply because they have more of a black metal-influenced sound. I'll recommend them now though. Check out their album God the Lux. I've been listening to that album a lot lately, it's so fucking good!

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Does anyone have mp3's of totem's debut ep(aka jex thoth)? Im getting a copy sent to me from Estonia but I don't think it's gonna make it before I got to leave for Korea and I wanna listen to it, instead of having it shipped to me months from now....
Does anyone have mp3's of totem's debut ep(aka jex thoth)? Im getting a copy sent to me from Estonia but I don't think it's gonna make it before I got to leave for Korea and I wanna listen to it, instead of having it shipped to me months from now....
