The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Currently listening to Omen - Battle Cry for the first time and it's kicking my ass. Also noteworthy recently: Behemoth - Evangelion (good but a step down from the Apostasy), Cannibal Corpse - Butchered At Birth (way better than I expected), and Icarus Witch - Capture The Magic (why the fuck can't they ever play fast?). Also, Arch Enemy - Burning Bridges is pretty cool.

On the craptastic side, Arch Enemy post-Liva sucks balls (even though his vocals were worse than Gossow's); lame chug-chug weedle-weedle wankery as opposed to true melodic death metal (albeit with a high proportion of wank).

Also, I found Human Mincer - Degredation Paradox and Devourment - Butcher The Weak incredibly disappointing. I'd heard both these albums talked up endlessly, but neither really did anything for me and I found the Devourment album rather unpleasant overall.
Sorry, man. I think it might have to do with the utter lack of variation in the riffing (the Devourment, that is). See my post in the bdm/slam thread. Also, I hate that vocal style. That alone doesn't kill it, but I really can't enjoy brutal/slam vox.

I dig one song at a time, but listening to a whole album of the same two types of riffs is really boring.

Also, can anyone explain why Chris Barnes got worse as a vocalist? It makes no sense. He was terrible on Eaten, but that was okay because they were just getting started. He was solid on BaB, and pretty damn good on TotM. But then all of a sudden on The Bleeding he's absolute dog shit. And his rasps are fucking abysmal.
Sacriphyx's music has totally blown me away. I had only read a few written descriptions before I got the 7" and the Stargazer split but it's completely not what I was expecting, it's actually a lot like Demons Gate. Elements of doom, heavy, black and death metal distilled into some of the most beautiful music I have heard in years. A.J. Shout VC is simply breathtaking. I cannot recommend this band enough.
Listening to The Chasm - Deathcult For Eternity: The Triumph right now. I didn't get the appeal a while back but I decided to listen again today and my opinion changed. This is pretty damn good.
Sorry, man. I think it might have to do with the utter lack of variation in the riffing (the Devourment, that is). See my post in the bdm/slam thread. Also, I hate that vocal style. That alone doesn't kill it, but I really can't enjoy brutal/slam vox.

I dig one song at a time, but listening to a whole album of the same two types of riffs is really boring.
You shouldn't listen to brutal death metal then because you don't like it and don't understand it.
That's the thing: I dig it, but only in small doses. Also, that sentence should have ended at "don't like it," unless you'd like to explain exactly how I "don't understand it."
You don't understand what the aim of brutal and slam death metal typically tends to be and therefore are not really asking for it, and your message comes off as pretentious, presumptuous and, well, dumb.
Of course I fucking understand what the "aim" of slam/brutal death metal is. "Being brutal" doesn't really count as a mission, but whatever. I understand that is the purpose of the music, and I know that constant blasting, minimal variation in riff structure, frog vocals, etc are all valid tools in creating the most brutal music possible.

Telling me I'm dumb because I want to listen to brutal music without embracing brutality as an end in itself is fucking obnoxious, tbh.

Can you explain where pretentious comes in? I get presumptuous and dumb, I suppose, but I don't understand how you can call anything I've said pretentious.
The aim of slam, in particular, IS those unchanging tones, creating an almost purely rhythmic/anti-melodic, primitive music with equally "toneless" instrumental, percussive vocals. So, by stating that you like slam and BDM but don't like its core elements and wishing they were different, you come off as just having it go over your head. Maybe that isn't how you feel, but it's how you come off.
Brutal Death Metal fans are the only people that can't deal with opinions and have to insult other people and talk down on them. It gets really old and tired, regardless not liking BDM would not bother ever again to even check out another band from the genre. I think some people need to get over themselves. (^)
Brutal Death Metal fans are the only people that can't deal with opinions and have to insult other people and talk down on them. It gets really old and tired, regardless not liking BDM would not bother ever again to even check out another band from the genre. I think some people need to get over themselves. (^)
So much irony in this post.

WAIF, imagine if I said I like power metal except for the melody or I like doom metal except for how slow it is. That would be not getting those types of music. Your criticisms are exactly the same. Devourment and Human Mincer are two of the best and most representative bands in the genre so if you don't like them I don't really see how you can like the genre. Most people on this forum don't like it either and that's fine, but most people also don't criticize the bands for succeeding at what they are trying to do.
Devourment and Human Mincer are two of the best and most representative bands in the genre so if you don't like them I don't really see how you can like the genre. Most people on this forum don't like it either and that's fine, but most people also don't criticize the bands for succeeding at what they are trying to do.
Actually, I didn't really criticize either band. I described Devourment as "unpleasant," but honestly I think they'd take that as a compliment. I simply said that I don't particularly enjoy those aspects of it. You know more about slam than me, so if you tell me it's all like that then maybe it really isn't for me, but lurking in the brutal/slam thread I've found some stuff I definitely dug. For example, I really liked Poppy-Seed Grinder and Goretrade.

Also, even in light of the aim of slam/bdm, I still think the vocals are stupid. A good full-throated growl sounds a hell of a lot more intimidating. But whatever.
I think it's ridiculous that you/someone would think that 1,2 bands represent an entire genre and that a person or people would not be able to get into an entire genre of music because some specific bands. A person does not have to like specific and certain bands to get into a genre of music or other bands.
Devourment are pretty much godfathers of slam so they do have a point. It would be like liking NWOBHM without liking Iron Maiden or Judas Priest; possible, but unlikely and weird.
No, I'm an ass about slam because I'm a Mac user, which automatically makes me pompous and arrogant. Get it right, people. And if you hate slam so much, why make such an effort and waste so much time talking about it? Seems counter productive. Bad publicity is still publicity, so go on and promote it!